Category: Course Reader

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

elizabethecharl: Brainstorm in Progress: Are You Ready for Online Learning? | @scoopit #edchat #ukedchat #edtech #ocTEL

Brainstorm in Progress: Are You Ready for Online Learning? | @scoopit #edchat #ukedchat #edtech #ocTEL— Elizabeth E Charles (@ElizabethECharl) August 13, 2013

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Learning and the MOOC: Resources

Tags: ocTEL, TEL, MOOC, PotentialResourceby: David Jennings

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altoctel: Was #ocTEL a success? Participation data published & other news of open licensing/transparency

Was #ocTEL a success? Participation data published & other news of open licensing/transparency— ALT ocTEL course (@ALTocTEL) August 9, 2013

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ALT-S SIG Glasgow Caledonian University – 20th June 2013

A belated blog about the ALT-S SIG Glasgow Caledonian University on 20th June 2013.

This is the first meeting, apart from at ALT-C that I have attended and the first time that I’ve been to GCU.  It was very interesting and useful and I met and talked to quite a few people that I’ve not met before.  The attendees were mostly Learning Technologists.
There was a mixture of presentations and talks and then group discussions with feedback.
The presentations were the following which were all very interesting and useful.

Dr Christine Sinclair, University of Edinburgh: The Coursera Experience

Grainne Hamilton, Jisc RSC Scotland: Open Badges

Martin Hawksey, Cetis: ALT’s ocTEL MOOC experience: Designing the platform

As well as tweeting from the event, I did take some brief notes……

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EOF/SOF: Building a connectivist conference platform for ALT-C using WordPress (first look)

End of File/Start of File – before another era starts here are the beginnings of a connectivist inspired conference platform for ALT-C 2013 proudly powered by WordPress

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Technology – Distraction or Opportunity?

This article by Julie Tausend on the EdTech Magazine website – Distraction or Opportunity? A Guide to Embracing Technology in the Classroom – asks the question as to whether classroom technology, or the BYOD mentality, can be harmful or an opportunity to learning. It argues that it can (as I would agree) but specifies the […]

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Flexible Learning

Exactly a week ago I was presenting at HEA Flexible learning through professional practice at Bath Spa University Corsham Court Campus.  The place is beautiful!  Worth the long drive from Huddersfield (as much as I love Huddersfield too – do visit, you will be surprised!)  The event was great too. I was presenting a module re-design to […]

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Retention and Intention in Massive Open Online Courses: In Depth (EDUCAUSE Review) |

Comments:Interesting data shared by Cousera founders, with pointers to further MOOC research – David JenningsTags: MOOC, retention, ocTEL, TEL, PotentialReading, PotentialResource, Coursera, researchby: David Jennings

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Open online course platform launched –

Tags: ocTEL, TEL, platform, MOOCby: David Jennings

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The research that MOOCs need | George Veletsianos

Tags: ocTEL, TEL, mooc, evaluation, PotentialReading, PotentialResource, researchby: David Jennings

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