Chapter 16: Transforming higher education through technology-enhanced learning is about DeMonfort’s pathfinder project
It describes how Web 2.0 technologies have transformed the learning context and argues for a debate on the challenges that have emerged. Case studies are also provided.
Page 225: How can an HEI begin to make sense of the proliferation of read/write web tools and approaches available to both staff and students, and the concomitant growth in networking opportunities available to users, in order to lever pedagogic gains?
P224: For Anderson (2007), the relationships between individuals, their PLEs and their networks will become more important both socially and educationally, because they will “challenge conventional thinking on who exactly does things” (p.57). Managing a possible disconnect between old and new cognitive models of the curriculum will need thoughtful planning, so that flexible curriculum strategies can be implemented. This, in turn, requires a shared institutional framework for understanding the rationale for change.
Anderson, P. (2007) What is Web2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications education. Bristol, UK: JISC.
P232: the DMU Pathfinder project demonstrated that the learner can be empowered to make effective decisions about their learning where read/write web tools are used to catalyse pedagogic innovation (DMU, 2009; Napier, 2008). Such innovation is driven by learning and teaching cultures that emphasise starting with the learner and her/his aspirations and conceptual understanding, and encourages students to find spaces within which their personal, critical, learning literacies can be enhanced and extended…the read/write web can proactively shape the means for the production of educational outputs by shaping the creation of personal learning spaces.