This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Reading: Chapter 17 HEA / TEL – podcasting for pedagogic purposes

Chapter 17 by Newton and Middleton Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes: The journey so far and some lessons learned

I really liked this chapter.  I think I was influenced by the early inclusion of CoP, Biggs’ constructive alignment and a whiff of ‘it’s not napster’ in the opening paragraphs.

P236:If we aspire to a learner-centred, well-aligned, constructivist paradigm, we need to be creative and open in evaluating the potential of new and emerging technologies.

I would advise you to read it if interested in podcasts, but I particularly liked the twist of students producing video podcasts outlined on p240. I think it has potential for peer feedback in a large team-based module I take.  I plan a video podcast gallery of each team’s initial idea and to make it an early formative feedback point, I think it also has the potential to encourage team development.


Useful resources for further reading from this chapter:

Lewis, D. and Allan, B. (2005) Virtual learning communities – a guide for practitioners. maidenhead: Society for research into higher education and open university Press.

Nason, E. and Wooding, S. (2006) Hub and spoke model for high technology platforms. rand europe memorandum for the Department of Health. Available from: [23 August, 2009]

Salmon, G. and Edirisingha, P. (eds.) (2008) Podcasting for Learning in Universities. maidenhead: open university Press.

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