Category: Course Reader

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

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June 11, 2013
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Wrapping up Week 8: the E in TEL

June 10, 2013

Last week’s theme on ocTEL focused on a fundamental question in Technology Enhanced Learning: why are we doing this? In what ways is TEL better than other forms of learning? Many remain suspicious that it isn’t better, so we need good, robust answers to this challenge. If we’re saying learning is enhanced, what kinds of enhancement could we, and should we, be aiming for?

Contributions are still coming in on these question, so perhaps it’s premature to declare a ‘wrap-up’ — I certainly don’t want to discourage further thoughts — but Week 9 on managing TEL projects and risks is now under way, so a little clearing of the ground is in order.

The first activity kicked off with by encouraging you to review some recent examples of new TEL models that purport to make learning cheaper and/or more accessible, with a view to identifying implications for your own teaching and learning practice. Much of the debate tended to start from an assessment of whether these models are either inspiring or irrelevant.

Joseph Gliddon has a natty technique with his to-camera video blogs, demonstrated to good effect in his slightly dystopian extrapolation from Open Educational Resources to widespread job losses in higher education (do check the comments as well, presenting a few different sides of the argument, including a startup business: “We question the added value of a university and think that there’s more to e-learning than watching one-way video. We can do better and we will do better.” Hmmm, well at least there’s one bit of that we can all agree on.) Read more >>

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#ocTEL week 9 TEL project management

June 10, 2013 | alicesadventuresinedtech

This week is interesting as I wouldn’t usually describe my forays into edtech as full-blown projects!  However, I am involved in a bigger project due to planned rollout of iPads for various student cohorts.  However, this project is at quite an early stage so I am trying to take everything Read more »

Reading: Chapter 15 HEA / TEL – Learners in Control

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

As earlier postings,  the OcTEL orientation resources takes you to this publication: Transforming Higher Education Through Technology Enhanced Learning Publication Date: 23-12-2009 Available at http://www.heacademy...  I’ve put the full link in again after being unable to find it for 10 minutes!  The chapter 15 link is here too: http://www.heacade... I don’t know Read more »

Reading: Chapter 17 HEA / TEL – podcasting for pedagogic purposes

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

Chapter 17 by Newton and Middleton Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes: The journey so far and some lessons learned I really liked this chapter.  I think I was influenced by the early inclusion of CoP, Biggs’ constructive alignment and a whiff of ‘it’s not napster’ in the opening paragraphs. P236:If we aspire to a Read more »

Reading Chapter 16 HEA / TEL

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

Chapter 16: higher education through technology-enhanced learning is about DeMonfort’s pathfinder project It describes how Web 2.0 technologies have transformed the learning context and argues for a debate on the challenges that have emerged. Case studies are also provided. Page 225: How can an HEI begin to make sense Read more »

Information Obesity: Why it’s not just about having too much

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

In the webinar for week 4 (I think) the term ‘information obesity’ (Andrew Whitworth) made sufficient impact for me to note it down, along with the term info-whelmed (see youtube clip: http://www.youtub... as I think we really need to give our learners the heads-up on this.  This takes me back (yet Read more »

ocTEL week 4 – resources (activity 4.1)

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

Activity 4.1 challenges us to compare resources.  I chose to do this using Jorum and open-learn.  I listed design thinking, textile testing and textile properties as the resources to search for.  Obscure but needed, this is no easy task… Design Thinking – neither did well, but I could take a Read more »

ocTEL week 3 – 3E Framework (Keith Smyth webinar)

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

I know ocTEL advise us to keep jogging along and I am already on catch-up from week 7 but I’ve decided to head back to week 3 in order to capture the 3E framework which I think is a brilliant resource.  I have just watched the webinar again and got Read more »

ocTEL week 3 resources – Best Practice Models for e-learning

June 10, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

From Keith Smyth webinar (ocTEL week 3)This page gives more information about the Best Practice Models project run in the Learning Development and Innovation team at Staffordshire University and details of how you can get involved.Helen Walmsley http… Read more »

[Event] ALT Scotland event – 20th June, Glasgow

June 10, 2013 | Jisc CETIS MASHe

On the 20th June I have the pleasure of presenting some of the work around open courses I’ve been doing as part of ocTEL. The event is free and has a great list of other presenters working on open education in Scotland The ALT-Scotland special interest group will be hosting Read more »

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#ocTEL week 9 TEL project management

This week is interesting as I wouldn’t usually describe my forays into edtech as full-blown projects!  However, I am involved in a bigger project due to planned rollout of iPads for various student cohorts.  However, this project is at quite an early stage so I am trying to take everything in so that we implement […]

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#ocTEL week 9 TEL project management

This week is interesting as I wouldn’t usually describe my forays into edtech as full-blown projects!  However, I am involved in a bigger project due to planned rollout of iPads for various student cohorts.  However, this project is at quite an early stage so I am trying to take everything in so that we implement […]

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Reading: Chapter 15 HEA / TEL – Learners in Control

As earlier postings,  the OcTEL orientation resources takes you to this publication: Transforming Higher Education Through Technology Enhanced Learning Publication Date: 23-12-2009 Available at  I’ve put the full link in again after being unable to find it for 10 minutes!  The chapter 15 link is here too: I don’t know how come  I initially skipped […]

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Reading: Chapter 17 HEA / TEL – podcasting for pedagogic purposes

Chapter 17 by Newton and Middleton Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes: The journey so far and some lessons learned I really liked this chapter.  I think I was influenced by the early inclusion of CoP, Biggs’ constructive alignment and a whiff of ‘it’s not napster’ in the opening paragraphs. P236:If we aspire to a learner-centred, well-aligned, constructivist paradigm, we […]

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Reading Chapter 16 HEA / TEL

Chapter 16: Transforming higher education through technology-enhanced learning is about DeMonfort’s pathfinder project It describes how Web 2.0 technologies have transformed the learning context and argues for a debate on the challenges that have emerged. Case studies are also provided. Page 225: How can an HEI begin to make sense of the proliferation of read/write […]

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Information Obesity: Why it’s not just about having too much

In the webinar for week 4 (I think) the term ‘information obesity’ (Andrew Whitworth) made sufficient impact for me to note it down, along with the term info-whelmed (see youtube clip: as I think we really need to give our learners the heads-up on this.  This takes me back (yet again) to Rheingold’s literacies. This […]

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Article: The influence of perceived information overload on student participation and knowledge construction in computer-mediated communication

Tags: ocTEL, TEL, learners, learningtheoryby: James Kerr

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kerr63: 2 for 1? Design courses for delivery via both credit and "free" to keep development costs down #octel #tel

2 for 1? Design courses for delivery via both credit and “free” to keep development costs down #octel #tel

— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 10, 2013

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ocTEL week 3 resources – Best Practice Models for e-learning

From Keith Smyth webinar (ocTEL week 3)
This page gives more information about the Best Practice Models project run in the Learning Development and Innovation team at Staffordshire University and details of how you can get involved.
Helen Walmsley http…

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