Tag: Week 0

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL week 0: big questions

Activity 0.1 asks us:  what is the most important question about TEL for you? Mine is: how can we get rid of the ‘T’ in ‘TEL’? The question could be re-phrased as: how can technology become transparent, invisible and normalised? Something … Continue reading

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ocTEL week 0: big questions

Activity 0.1 asks us:  what is the most important question about TEL for you? Mine is: how can we get rid of the ‘T’ in ‘TEL’? The question could be re-phrased as: how can technology become transparent, invisible and normalised? Something … Continue reading

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Week 0 Day 0

I have been very busy this morning so have not found the time to get everything sorted in my mind. I seem to have loads of emails coming in from all sorts of places and links to all sorts of other places so it is all rather overwhelming? I have decided to set up a new […]

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