Tag: Technology

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Understanding Learners' Needs… Webinar

WebinarDigital literacy – how is it determined? What is digital literacy?Beetham and Sharpe (2010) Digital Literacy FrameworkAsk, what learners do rather than what they are good a may elicit more honest and genuine responses.How we can find out about o…

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Learning from experience, narrative style #octel

This week #ocTEL MOOC takes a look at “Platforms and Technologies“. It’s a topic that I’ve really been looking forward to as I want to gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of hosted and open source options. Why? because like it says in the course notes and commentary, I realise that ultimately […]

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Webinar week 1

Studying at home today… seriously slow broadband service 🙁 I can’t wait for the high speed installation to happen.

Finally the Webinar recording plays (hooray!)

Teachers Talking about TEL. Liz Masterman. 17th April 2013

Activity– In the discussion that will follow Liz’s presentation, participants will be encouraged to reflect on the relevance of each theme to their own practice.


ocTEL week 1 webinar

Five questions

  1. Is there a tension what students want and what might be more beneficial to their learning?
  2. ‘Good use of technology builds on all the education theory.’ Do you agree? 
  3. What are the trade-offs and compromises in using (open) educational resources created by others?
  4. Where is the locus of ‘cool TEL’ in your university/college and what is its relationship to institutional support?
  5. What information will best help you decide whether to try out a TEL innovation (quantitative and/or qualitative)?


  • Drivers
  • Enablers
  • Constraints

Think points!
Digital literacy and the desire/need to equip students for the workplace.
Staff adoption of technology driven by student request for its use.
Inconsistent use within the institution, students need consistent use of technology enhanced learning across the institution.
Student preferences and student numbers can ‘constrain’ Sometime we can only use what we have available in the time.
“Are students conservative”? concern that “over privileging students” with provision of online/digital resources has in some situations led to students turning away from the ‘hard copy’ resource.

“Is there sometimes a tension what students (say they) want and what might be more beneficial to their learning?”

Q1 – I have experienced tension where students talk about how much ‘better’ a colleagues teaching is from another’s and when I have unpicked it the comments have often related to the technology used, the proficiency of its use, the use of or and range of media used. The ‘better’ has rarely focussed on the subject content. I think it is important to personally and institutionally acknowledge that the range and pace of emerging technologies is faster that ‘we’ can individually respond to so we should not attempt to adopt everything ‘new’ but be discerning and adopt and use ‘well’ that which is seen as the most suitable.

Q2 – I certainly do. We should design the assessment and learning activity before we select the technology. The technology should enable and enhance the learning experience. Bad, and/or unnecessary use of technology can have a negative influence on educational theory.

Theory-informed TEL – Theories of learning V theories of teaching.

Q3 – The trade off I have encountered is there is a balance between the expensive slick resource for large scale long term reuse and the cheaper less polished resource which may be for small scale local/discipline specific reuse.
On occasion an OER is too ‘generic’ sometimes people appear to struggle with words/phrases they are not familiar with or organisational branding which is not their own. I have also encountered really slick looking resources where they refer to legislation which is relevant in a specific country or contain information which is out of date. This has lead to recreating the resource in a ‘cheaper’ format locally.
On occasion sourcing and previewing the OER has been considerably time consuming, leaving me and colleagues thinking we could have pulled something suitable together in less time.
OER enable us to ‘reuse’ learning resources within our teaching wider that we may have done previously. In my teaching I have generally sought out existing resources which I can re-use re-purpose. I have regularly been delivering ‘team teaching’ and have developed and delivered ‘shared’ teaching content, this has brought challenges in applying your ‘own voice’ to the content during delivery. It is essential to be familiar with the material in advance so you can provide relevant enhancements and not be surprised by the content. However when developing these ‘team teaching’ resources there was reluctance to openly share, many team members took the ‘shared’ resources and tweaked them for delivery to their seminar/tutorial group which lead to student voicing dissatisfactions because they were getting something different.

At my previous institution we created a repository for these shared learning/teaching resources RADAR .
I have freely shared my resources for others to use, these have primarily been contained with Power Point presentations and distributed within a VLE. However my resources were never granular enough for the shared repository.

Where I am now working, I am beginning to venture into video and audio resources with the intention for use by others in my own institution. I am also exploring the creation of an institution level repository for video/audio of examples of learning and teaching activities which we can used to support the development of academic staff.

Q4 – We have an individual locus for many years and more recently there has been a central response. We have a number of Innovators and ‘early adopters’ and are delivering a strategy to support and enhance TEL across the institution – Digital Vision  My role is to support staff to develop confidence and competence using technology in their teaching. My ‘students’ are faculty members.

Q5 – What convinces me/ staff to use new technology. Personally a combination of own exploration, peer feedback and published research evidence. In my institution we have interviewed staff about this and there are a range of factors, certainly peer use and how they rate their experience is a significant factor as is the research evidence, there was also mention of student expectations having influence. The greatest constraint indicated is lack of time to explore, learn, evaluate TEL.

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Make it personal, keep it simple: finding and creating resources. #octel

In Week 4, the fundamental question that #ocTEL asks is “how can we take advantage of technological developments in order to create and source relevant learning resources?” Actually, the question continues “for our students”, but I’m going to ignore that bit. I’m just going to throw in here the idea of “self-organised learning” and, on […]

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Webinar week 0

Well I watched Diana Laurillard and wrote lots of notes into my blog and pressed save periodically  and some how managed to loose them all…..
Reminder to self… do as I tell my students .. compose in notepad then past in on-line .. grrrrrrrrr (bearing teeth),

If I find them I will add them to this page…..


Hallelujah! I have just found the pdf from the slides and the transcript from the discussions in the #ocTEL resources. I can rebuild my notes 🙂

Thinking points were!

  • Course development time = 420 hrs 
  • “We need to understand the pedagogical benefits and teacher time costs of online HE”
  • “What are the new digital pedagogies that will address the 1:25 student support conundrum?”
  • “How do we innovate, test, and build the evidence for what works at scale online?”
  • “Scaling up will never improve the per-student support costs… unless we invent some new pedagogies”
  • Big challenges Cultural, management, Economic, Strategic, Creative and Technical!
  • “Teachers are the engine of innovation.”

Further reading The New Media Consortium (2012) Horizon Project Short List: 2013 K-12. http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2013-horizon-k12-shortlist.pdf

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Activity 0.5 updated

I could’t decide which group to join, am I a nurse educator, a lecturer/tutor in higher education, a learning technologist or do I needi to join in the reflection on distance learning, TEL or something else?

Well….. in a rather unconventional break for a participant of a MOOC on technology, I met up with a colleague Tony  for a face to face reflection with yummy coffee in a lovely local Café.

  • What can we tell about the range of experiences and preferences among ocTEL participants?

We were both impressed with the range of experiences and preferences of ocTEL participants, I am also a little in awe as I haven’t applied my self to serious research despite the nagging feeling that I ought to.
I was surprised that so many people elected to leave the mailing list so early in the course. The number of emails were considerable but to be expected? (surely)? Multiple opportunities to select how and what to study, when and where to study and where to post.

  • What challenges does this present for the course?

Again these choices appear to be ‘too many’ for some but ideal for others. Both Tony and I took the challenge to start a Blog for the first time for the course ‘reflections’ and ‘evidence to the world that we are doing something, bit more open that the forums :-S

So many readings and so little time,

  • In what ways is a MOOC well or poorly suited to these challenges?

I think the MOOC is suited to these challenges. It ‘allows’ the flexibility for studying ‘martini’ style, it provides materials to study (if you want) and wider resources to pick up (virtually) when you want more.
It gives the participant the choice in how to engage, post, discuss etc and in doing so it promotes the opportunity to engage with technologies, master their functionalities building skills and knowledge along the way.

Although I do admit to ‘lurking’ in the forums (I just couldn’t help myself).

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Mendeley group

http://www.mendeley.com/groups/3241271/octel/Thanks Anne Nortcliffe

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Diigo list

 https://groups.diigo.com/group/alt-octelThanks David Jennings

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Activity 0.3

Exploring and experimentinghttp://octel.alt.ac.uk/course-materials/induction-activities/Although I really enjoy technology and have a role which is to inspire and encourage others to use technology in their learning and teaching. I feel more confident …

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Activity 0.2

Initial comments and discussionhttp://octel.alt.ac.uk/course-materials/induction-activities/So having finally finished viewing the emails from the first week of the course. I am pleased that there are a range of people participating in the course …

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