This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Understanding Learners' Needs… Webinar


Digital literacy - how is it determined? What is digital literacy?

Beetham and Sharpe (2010) Digital Literacy Framework
Ask, what learners do rather than what they are good a may elicit more honest and genuine responses.

How we can find out about our learners - Finding out about learners' experiences with technology. The comments in the chat window were varied and it is reassuring to read that where the opportunities arise face to face verbal enquiry is used along side the technology such as polls, surveys for feedback.

Merging social (personal) with learning media, do students understand what this entails? personally I am trying hard not to merge my media.

This is an interesting overview... STROLL  These students have a range of technologies available and are using them to meet their study, home and work needs. I especially like the quote regarding studying at night sleeping during the day "when the nothing else is happening apart from lectures". This student obviously values independent study using the digital resources provided by the university above attending lectures in person. I also thought it was interesting how another student praised the 'boring' StudyNet ( VLE/LMS) environment but said how great it was because everything was in it, easy to navigate, well organised easy to search and it was provided by the institution and "quite possible the most useful thing you could use at university".

Using skills developed in social (personal) to use of learning media, many students do appear to do this adequately but recent observations show a distinct divide between those who do transfer skills well and those who struggle and regularly seek assistance.

Action to follow up:

Re read:

The design studio - resources.

Facebook groups for schools -

JISC learner experiences of e-learning
Special Interest Group - The net generation and digital natives: implications for higher education

Please view my profile page -

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