Tag: oer

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

kerr63: I would love to be involved in hosting (throwing?) a MOOC #octel #tel #mooc #open #oer

I would love to be involved in hosting (throwing?) a MOOC #octel #tel #mooc #open #oer— James Kerr (@Kerr63) May 17, 2013

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Alignment of Educational Resources

In the Quality Matters benchmark rubrics, alignment is a common thread that runs throughout the evaluation process.  It is critical for emphasizing that each piece of an online course is relevant to the topic, the setting, the audience, and the course.  Following is directly from QM:

“What is Alignment?Critical course components – Learning Objectives (2), Assessment and Measurement (3), Resources and Materials (4), Learner Engagement (5), and Course Technology (6) – work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes. When aligned, each of these course components is directly tied to and supports the learning objectives. Specific standards included in Alignment are indicated in the rubric annotations.” (Quality Matters, 2013. https://www.qualitymatters.org/rubric)

When considering resources, I keep these guidelines for alignment in mind.  As part of the instructional design process, alignment should be a major factor being considered at every stage of the design, not just when evaluating resources.

One aspect of alignment that I find particularly interesting is style; content, audience, and course alignment are straightforward, but alignment of style seems a bit more abstract, but important nonetheless.  Does the resource fit the style of the course, the instructor, and the institution?  If the resource is an activity, does the style of the activity match the instructional level of the course?  The audience?

Alignment is a broad category that affects the overall quality of a course, whether it is f2f, online, blended, or hybrid.

#edtech, #MOOC, #ocTEL, #tel, #OER, #alignment

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iTunes U as an OER repository

I’m actually quite a supporter of iTunes U, even though people don’t like that you have to enter it via the iTunes client. iTunes client is free and the resources are downloadable. I watched a fantastic series on Justice, by Michael Sandel through iTunes U. Even though the client is proprietary, it is worth mentioning that the videos or podcasts have open standards, so you don’t even need the client once its downloaded, certainly not necessary to have an iPod or iPhone, as some mistakenly think.

I also worked on one of the Phase 2 OER projects, which had a ‘discoverabiliy’ focus. We recognised that most people want to search through google, so hit the SEO Ninjas sites to raise its Google profile. The problem with this is that unless the resources start to take a life of their own and people independently tweet on etc. then the SEO magic starts to lost some of its capability. Fine, say, if you work in a ‘marketplace’ where constant SEO marketing will maintain your page 1 discoverability, but OERs do not have a ‘hype’ cycle to them in most cases. By this I mean the short termism of ‘retweet’, ‘reblog’, ‘backlink’ that gives such good SEO results to start with (and best in conjunction with other possibly offline marketing campaigns) does not apply to OER in that the availability of the resource needs to be constantly high, regardless whether anyone has ‘backlinked’ to it this week.
And that’s why I perhaps have a soft spot for iTunes U as an OER repository. Its available, most people use it for their media management, its free for those who don’t, EVERYONE has heard of it, and the search will not degrade resources based on this weeks popularity. And as previously said it uses open standards and the content is downloadable, therefore transferrable into areas of little bandwidth via HDDs etc. My feeling is that TOTALLY ONLINE content, like Coursera or EdX, is great for the software developers and those in the centre keeping track of the stats, but not so for the areas of lesser bandwidth, arguably those who need the OER the most.

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Resources from the chat-room (ocTEL webinar week 1)

I just wanted to post 2 links that came from the chat-room during this webinar: https://portal.solent.ac.uk/support/support-with-it-media/learning-technologies/resources/sol-standard-may2010.pdf There was an interesting discussion going on about consistency.  While I am all for ‘deliberately vague’ as an approach to prepare students for their unknown futures, I think there is also a lot of merit in a consistent starting […]

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OER Impact : JISC

Tags: OER, open source, JISCby: Roger Harrison

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Welcome to LORO – LORO

Comments:”LORO contains resources for language teaching available to download and reuse, including those used by the Department of Languages at the Open University, UK.” – Sarah HorriganTags: oer, loro, language, languages, resources, derbytel, opennes…

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April 2013: Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning #ocTEL | Open Educational Resources (OER) | Scoop.it

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Keeping MOOCs Open – Creative Commons

Tags: MOOC, open, CreativeCommons, licensing, OER, ocTELby: David Jennings

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How 'Open' are MOOCs? | Inside Higher Ed

Comments:Exposes the confused thinking about what ‘open’ really means in the context of MOOCs, and how many xMOOC providers have quite restrictive terms of service. – David JenningsTags: MOOC, xMOOC, open, OER, Coursera, Udacity, ocTELby: David Jennings

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