Author: mdeasrh2

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Student Engagement in Online Learning – YouTube

Tags: student, engagement, student engagement, participation, connected, learningby: Roger Harrison

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The Ed Techie: The MOOC wars

Highlights and Sticky Notes:02/05/2013

The MOOC warsTags: moocs, debateby: Roger Harrison

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Social Learning Theory (Bandura) | Learning Theories

Highlights and Sticky Notes:

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling

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by: Roger Harrison

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Experiential Learning (Kolb) | Learning Theories


Highlights and Sticky Notes:

learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”
  • concrete experience (or “DO”)
  • reflective observation (or “OBSERVE”)
  • abstract conceptualization (or “THINK”)
  • active experimentation (or “PLAN”)
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    by: Roger Harrison

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    Humanism | Learning Theories

    Highlights and Sticky Notes:

    • that our students tend to only respond to discussion boards when they are assessed, suggests a stronger impact of Behaviourism here rather than humanism – Roger Harrison
    Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
    humanism, learning is student centered and personalized, and the educator’s role is that of a facilitator


    by: Roger Harrison

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    Design-Based Research Methods (DBR) | Learning Theories

    Highlights and Sticky Notes:

    educators have been trying to narrow the chasm between research and practice. Part of the challenge is that research that is detached from practice “may not account for the influence of contexts, the emergent and complex nature of outcomes, and the incompleteness of knowledge about which factors are relevant for prediction” (DBRC, 2003).
  • The need to address theoretical questions about the nature of learning in context
  • The need for approaches to the study of learning phenomena in the real world situations rather than the laboratory
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    by: Roger Harrison

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    Constructivism | Learning Theories

    Highlights and Sticky Notes:People actively construct or create their own subjective representations of objective realitylearning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring itKnowledge is constructed based on p…

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    Cognitivism | Learning Theories

    Highlights and Sticky Notes:

    • So moves away from Behaviorism which considers external stimuli, and starts to look at what is going on in the mind to start with. – Roger Harrison
    Mental processes such as thinking, memory, knowing, and problem-solving need to be explored
    A response to behaviorism, people are not “programmed animals” that merely respond to environmental stimuli; people are rational beings that require active participation in order to learn, and whose actions are a consequence of thinking
    • this distinction is important – sees learners as having abilities to think and not just react/respond – Roger Harrison


    by: Roger Harrison

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    Behaviorism | Learning Theories

    Highlights and Sticky Notes:I don’t think learners are ‘passive’ responding to environmental stimuli. Some of the time they are, but not all of the time. – Roger Harrisonbehavior is shaped through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement.behav…

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    Learning Theories Knowledge Base

    Tags: learning, education, pedagogy, learning_theory, theories, theoryby: Roger Harrison

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