Tag: Feedback

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL Activity 6.1

Snipped from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/elearning/digiassass_eada.pdf I really like Nicol’s approach as it seems (to me) to be about getting students to be able to make accurate judgments on their own work.  His earlier work (2009) uses ‘empower’ and ‘engage’ and I think this is the essence of these 12 principles.  I like number 12 too – learn from your learners. […]

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Associative perspective on Assessment & Feedback in Mathematics

In my past as a Maths teacher/ lecturer my perspective of assessment was largely associative. (see image below) Learners practice skills in order to acquire the knowledge and skills and later the understanding necessary to progress. The learners are assessed on their ability to perform the skills and apply the knowledge and understanding. Feedback is […]

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Associative perspective on Assessment & Feedback in Mathematics

In my past as a Maths teacher/ lecturer my perspective of assessment was largely associative. (see image below) Learners practice skills in order to acquire the knowledge and skills and later the understanding necessary to progress. The learners are assessed on their ability to perform the skills and apply the knowledge and understanding. Feedback is […]

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