Tag: digital literacy

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Using the web for learning and teaching – a new understanding | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Comments:Interesting thoughts on ‘genres of participation’ from David White (University of Oxford) writing in the Guardian – jim pettiwardTags: literacy, digital literacy, ocTEL, diglitby: jim pettiward

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JISC understand…

JISC understands Digital Literacy to “define those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society”

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Digital and Information Literacy Framework

Comments:”What is digital literacy and how is it different from information literacy?Digital literacy includes the ability to find and use information (otherwise known as information literacy) but goes beyond this to encompass communication, collaborat…

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Developing students’ digital literacy to give them the best chance of success : JISC

Tags: digital literacy, digital, jisc, literacyby: Elizabeth E Charles

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