I can’t get Howard Rheingold out of my head! His video ’21st Century Literacies’ seems to be on a loop in my head.
• Attention
• Participation
• Collaboration
• Network awareness
• Critical consumption
This is posting is loosely connected to ocTEL activity 2.1 about exploring colleagues readiness to engage with TEL. I haven’t done it as suggested but I did participate in a focus group this week on engagement with our VLE. I didn’t consider it particularly useful to think further about why people didn’t engage (lack of time and skill as a sweeping generalization) but to spend time on what might encourage them to start. As earlier posting on motivation, purpose and mastery clearly have a place but I’m not sure that gets the T-avoider out of the starting blocks. I am interested in the potential of participation as a motivator. This graphic shows a way this participation can build. The social aspect may then encourage further participation to the point of collaboration. Possibly over-optimistic but I like the fact that all forms of participation count.
More on Ross Mayfield’s blog here:
The graphic also illustrates the difference between collective intelligence and creating new collaborative intelligence – but one thing at a time…