This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Engaging and Effective Learning Materials (Week 4)

Home Forums Engaging and Effective Learning Materials (Week 4)

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    • Finding and reviewing resources (Activity 4.0)
      Share your answers to some of the following questions to the resources you have found:
      • How easy was it to find a relevant resource?
      • How could you incorporate this resource into your professional practice?
      • Which source did you find more useful (and why) – the ‘official’ resource bank or the open search?
      • Are there any limitations to the use of your preferred resource for your learners (e.g. copyright licence; login requirements)?
      • Would your own students agree that the resource you prefer is accessible?
    • 8
    • 46
    • 11 years, 1 month ago


    • Comparing resources (Activity 4.1)
      Please respond to at least one of the following questions concerning the resources you used:
      • What elements of these do you think are appealing to different kinds of learners?
      • What kinds of learners, if any, would they be inappropriate for and why?
      • How do each of these resources differ from that of the resources we’re using in ocTEL?
      • What ways can you see to improve the effectiveness or potential reach of these resources?
    • 4
    • 8
    • 11 years, 2 months ago


    • Evaluating a resource (Activity 4.2)
      Please respond to at least one of the following questions about a learning resource you would consider using in your teaching and learning practice:
      • How do you decide when a resource is worth adopting?
      • What criteria did you use to evaluate this resource?
      • What are the advantages and limitations of this resource?
      • How could you incorporate this resource into your teaching?
      • How will this help your learners?
      • Are there any limitations to the use of this resource for your learners?
    • 4
    • 14
    • 11 years, 2 months ago

      James Kerr

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