Category: Course Reader

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 28, 2013
ocTEL has finished but for now we are still collections community content. If you no longer want to receive these emails please
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How Badges Really Work in Higher Education — Campus Technology

Tags: badges, higher education, accreditation, ocTEL, TELby: David Jennings

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[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 27, 2013
ocTEL has finished but for now we are still collections community content. If you no longer want to receive these emails please
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#ocTel is over, I am now brilliant – just don’t ask me to prove it

June 26, 2013 | More than just Content

In the final week of #octel we looked at evaluation and feedback and this was also a chance to look back at the course and see what we had learnt and if we had answered our big question. Looking back … Continue reading → Read more »

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#ocTel is over, I am now brilliant – just don’t ask me to prove it

In the final week of #octel we looked at evaluation and feedback and this was also a chance to look back at the course and see what we had learnt and if we had answered our big question. Looking back … Continue reading

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So long #octel, I had fun

Joseph Gliddon

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:54:57 GMT
– Community
– OCTEL Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (Week Ten activities)
So long #octel, I had fun

In the final week of #octel we looked at evaluation and feedback and this was also a chance to look back at the course and see what we had learnt and if we had answered our big question. Looking ba…

Having just finished another mooc, did I do it for the brains or the badge?

Joseph Gliddon

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:54:13 GMT
– Google+
– Public
Having just finished another mooc, did I do it for the brains or the badge?

In the final week of #octel we looked at evaluation and feedback and this was also a chance to look back at the course and see what we had learnt and if we had answered our big question. Looking ba…

graphdesproject: Any #ocTEL people going to #uogapt?

Any #ocTEL people going to #uogapt?— GraphicDesignProject (@GraphDesProject) June 26, 2013

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[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 26, 2013
ocTEL has finished but for now we are still collections community content. If you no longer want to receive these emails please
Course Information (Visit on site)

ocTEL accreditation and mapping to CMALT

June 25, 2013

We appreciate that many people doing ocTEL want to get some credentials to evidence their learning. If we develop a revised ocTEL 2.0, then we aim to include some form of lightweight accreditation (Open Badges is favourite). In the meantime we’ve promised an electronic certificate of participation and ocTEL badge for use online.

ALT also administers the
accreditation scheme (Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology), and we have mapped each week of ocTEL against the “core areas of work” in CMALT (thanks to Tom Franklin for doing this). The four main areas, elaborated in full in this Prospectus (PDF), are:

  1. Operational issues
  2. Teaching, learning and/or assessment processes
  3. The wider context
  4. Communication

If you’re interested in registering for CMALT, then this mapping should help you use the activities you’ve done on ocTEL as evidence of achievement in the relevant areas of work. A simple mapping follows, but for preparing your CMALT portfolio you may find the expanded version in this Google Doc more easy to use. Read more >>

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Participant Blog Posts (Visit on site)

Free eBook/iBook: “Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning” #edtech

June 25, 2013 | Technology Enhanced Learning Blog

This is a great free eBook / iBook, for the iPad, from The Open University: ”Adva… in Technology Enhanced Learning”. The eBook aims to present a “range of research projects which aim to explore how to make engagement in learning (and teaching) more passionate” and to introduce “methodological and technological breakthroughs” Read more »

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+Christina Hendricks originally shared I recently watched this presentation by Martin Hawksey, who is…

Brendan Murphy

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 16:22:47 GMT
– Community
– Open Online Experience Planning Group (Questions and Discussion)
+Christina Hendricks originally shared
I recently watched this presentation by Martin Hawksey, who is running the platform for the ocTEL MOOC ( It talks about how to run a cMOOC on Word Press (self-hosted site, not on He talks about using Feed Word Press for blog aggregation, and also about another plugin that allows for discussion forums on Word Press: BBpress. So apparently it’s possible to have discussion forums on WP with this plugin.

He doesn’t get into tech specifics in this presentation, just general things about the tools they’re using for ocTEL. It’s really interesting for thinking of designing a cMOOC using Word Press, so if you have time, go ahead and listen to it. The presentation itself is around 30-40 minutes or so, then there’s questions after that that I didn’t find that useful for me, but you might.

Home · About OCTEL · ocTEL Team · Course Materials · Induction: guidance · Induction: activities · 1. TEL Concepts and Approaches · 2. Understanding Learners’ Needs · 3. Designing Active Learning · 4. Engaging and Effective Learning Materials · 5. Platforms and Technologies · 6.

crumphelen: @virtualleader easing off for summer, you? Yep, #ocTEL was really valuable. I was 'patchy', but will def. check it out at later date/again.

@virtualleader easing off for summer, you? Yep, #ocTEL was really valuable. I was ‘patchy’, but will def. check it out at later date/again.

— Helen Crump (@crumphelen) June 25, 2013

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