Category: Course Reader

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL week 4 – resources (activity 4.1)

Activity 4.1 challenges us to compare resources.  I chose to do this using Jorum and open-learn.  I listed design thinking, textile testing and textile properties as the resources to search for.  Obscure but needed, this is no easy task… Design Thinking – neither did well, but I could take a 60 credit OU module, which […]

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ocTEL week 3 – 3E Framework (Keith Smyth webinar)

I know ocTEL advise us to keep jogging along and I am already on catch-up from week 7 but I’ve decided to head back to week 3 in order to capture the 3E framework which I think is a brilliant resource.  I have just watched the webinar again and got just a much on the […]

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ocTEL Week 9 – 'Cheating Murphy’s Law – Keeping things on track'


Welcome to week 9 of ocTEL – ‘Cheating Murphy’s Law – Keeping things on track’. This week will provide an opportunity for you to think about how to get things done, how to assess what works and what to do when things go wrong. The materials are available on the ocTEL web site at: […]

[Event] ALT Scotland event – 20th June, Glasgow

On the 20th June I have the pleasure of presenting some of the work around open courses I’ve been doing as part of ocTEL. The event is free and has a great list of other presenters working on open education in Scotland The ALT-Scotland special interest group will be hosting an event on Thursday 20th […]

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[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 10, 2013
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[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 9, 2013
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[OCTEL] Daily newsletter

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June 8, 2013
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ocTEL Week 9 Webinar

June 7, 2013

Join our weekly webinar at 12.30 on Wednesday 12 June, via Blackboard Collaborate 11.

You can access the Week 9 webinar via this link.

This week’s webinar

In this week’s webinar we have two presenters from Imperial College London who will discuss their experiences of project management. Julie Voce will introduce a two-year institution-wide project to review and implement the new College virtual learning environment. Lisa Carrier will give an overview of a three-year Department of Medicine project to create and evaluate a blended multidisciplinary postgraduate programme. Both presentations will introduce the projects and the methodologies used and discuss topics covered during week 9 such as planning, risk assessment, key successes and failures, and lessons learned.

About the presenter

Julie Voce is the E-learning Services Manager at Imperial College London. Prior to this she was the Learning Technologies Support Co-ordinator at UCL and a Research Assistant in Computer Assisted Language Learning at UMIST. For ALT, Julie is involved with ALT’s Online Newsletter (, the ocTEL MOOC and was Co-Chair of the 2012 ALT conference. In addition she is Chair of the UCISA Academic Support Group ( and is involved in the biennial Technology Enhanced Learning survey ( Alongside her role at Imperial, she is in the second year of a PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning and E-Research at Lancaster University.

Lisa Carrier’s background is in psychology, pedagogy and management. Lisa has extensive teaching experience in Further and Higher Education, and in the last 8 years she has been involved in designing and promoting e-learning best practice in HE. In her current role as e-Learning Manager at Imperial College London, Lisa helps academic and clinical professionals design postgraduate blended curriculum. She has managed a number of projects in Postgraduate Medicine, which have become showcases for innovative education, and received awards for enhancing student experience. Lisa is a qualified coach and an experienced manager, with specific interest in change management and organisational learning.

We will make the recording of this session available via the Course Materials page.

Webinar help and FAQ’s

For help prior to the webinar and some frequently asked questions please visit our help page.

If you have any questions contact

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#ocTEL week 7: your place or mine?

June 7, 2013 | Open Plan Publishing

I’ve not been the best at interacting with other participants on this course (mainly due to time constraints). But by the looks of it I’m not alone. The small group for distance learning forum, to which I subscribe, hasn’t seen … Continue reading → Read more »

#ocTEL Week 8 Enhancement

June 7, 2013 | The Virtual Leader

If you didn’t already realise it, I am a big fan of virtual learning, TEL, MOOCs, PLEs etc so I have enjoyed this week’s assignments – especially the videos about Saylor and Udacity.I admit I haven’t  really thought in terms of reducing costs as f… Read more »

Catching up , ocTEL week 7

June 7, 2013 | Jo Conlon #OcTEL 2013

I am a bit gutted at missing week 7 even though a holiday was lovely.  The running to stand-still feeling comes back too quickly, doesn’t it?  Anyway this week’s (week 7) content is my ‘thing’ so I am attempting to get straight.  I have reviewed the webinar but would have definitely Read more »

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#ocTEL week 7: your place or mine?

I’ve not been the best at interacting with other participants on this course (mainly due to time constraints). But by the looks of it I’m not alone. The small group for distance learning forum, to which I subscribe, hasn’t seen … Continue reading

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#ocTEL Week 8 Enhancement

If you didn’t already realise it, I am a big fan of virtual learning, TEL, MOOCs, PLEs etc so I have enjoyed this week’s assignments – especially the videos about Saylor and Udacity.I admit I haven’t  really thought in terms of reducing costs as f…

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Good to still see so many people on the old #EDCMooc space.  I am doing another mooc at the moment and…

Joseph Gliddon

Fri, 07 Jun 2013 16:43:09 GMT
– Community
– E-Learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (Blogging)
Good to still see so many people on the old #EDCMooc space.  I am doing another mooc at the moment and this weeks learning was all about enhancing learning – but a lot of the readings seemed to be about reducing staff time so it inspired me to video this quick interview

I was looking at the #octel video on the Saylor Foundation and my first thought was – oh there are no lecturers at all. This made me realise that a fear that academics have been telling me about fo…
