- HEFCE report: Collaborate to compete – Seizing the opportunity of online learning for UK HE
See section 3 – jim pettiward
Tags: literacy, digital literacy, ocTEL, readiness
by: jim pettiward
This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.
Tags: literacy, digital literacy, ocTEL, readiness
by: jim pettiward
Comments:Interesting thoughts on ‘genres of participation’ from David White (University of Oxford) writing in the Guardian – jim pettiwardTags: literacy, digital literacy, ocTEL, diglitby: jim pettiward
Highlights and Sticky Notes:Adults
want to know why they need to learn something before undertaking learningThis is something I need to think about a bit more when I design materials – Roger HarrisonThe Learners’ Self-Conceptnot sure that I agree with …
Highlights and Sticky Notes:
It is hoped that future developments will include:
Tags: students, learning, environment, ready, support
by: Roger Harrison
Tags: ocTEL, learningtheory, adultlearning, diglit, learnersby: Jane Challinor
Tags: ocTEL, diglitby: Jane Challinor
Scooped by Susan Bainbridge onto Connectivism
Theory-informed TEL and Connectivism
From …
Comments:”What is digital literacy and how is it different from information literacy?Digital literacy includes the ability to find and use information (otherwise known as information literacy) but goes beyond this to encompass communication, collaborat…