Author: Berry Crafter

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Online learning questionnaires

I completed the online learning questionnaires for Penn State, San Diego, and Illinois. I found they sought to assess the following common areas: technical skills commitment willingness to participate availability preferred mode of delivery I think such questionnaires serve a purpose, because they help people decide whether online learning is right for them. I feel […]

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Stories about how technology has enhanced learning

I wrote this post a couple of weeks ago, and only just realised I uploaded it to the wrong blog!! I chose to listen to Eric Mazur’s keynote, on how he has used peer instruction in the lecture theatre. It immediately struck a chord in terms of the ‘ah ha’ moments as Eric dubbed them, […]

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Online learning questionnaires

I completed the online learning questionnaires for Penn State, San Diego, and Illinois. I found they sought to assess the following common areas: technical skills commitment willingness to participate availability preferred mode of delivery I think such questionnaires serve a purpose, because they help people decide whether online learning is right for them. I feel […]

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Stories about how technology has enhanced learning

I wrote this post a couple of weeks ago, and only just realised I uploaded it to the wrong blog!! I chose to listen to Eric Mazur’s keynote, on how he has used peer instruction in the lecture theatre. It immediately struck a chord in terms of the ‘ah ha’ moments as Eric dubbed them, […]

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My big question

Having listened to the induction week webinar, I’ve given some thought to what my ‘big question’ might be. I daresay it may be similar to other Librarians participating in the course! ‘How can I use TEL to engage and support students I only see for one-off teaching sessions?’ As an Information Literacy practitioner, much of […]

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My big question

Having listened to the induction week webinar, I’ve given some thought to what my ‘big question’ might be. I daresay it may be similar to other Librarians participating in the course! ‘How can I use TEL to engage and support students I only see for one-off teaching sessions?’ As an Information Literacy practitioner, much of […]

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As a Subject Librarian at the University of Huddersfield, my role involves teaching ‘Information Skills’ to Library users, from foundation level through to academic staff. This involves face-to face tuition, classroom teaching, lectures, and the provision of instructional materials in print and online. To date, my use of TEL has mainly been restricted to the […]

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As a Subject Librarian at the University of Huddersfield, my role involves teaching ‘Information Skills’ to Library users, from foundation level through to academic staff. This involves face-to face tuition, classroom teaching, lectures, and the provision of instructional materials in print and online. To date, my use of TEL has mainly been restricted to the […]

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Course induction

I’ve just enrolled on the ocTEL course, and am familiarising myself with the course materials before the first module commences. I will be using this blog to help me reflect on my learning over the next couple of months.

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Course induction

I’ve just enrolled on the ocTEL course, and am familiarising myself with the course materials before the first module commences. I will be using this blog to help me reflect on my learning over the next couple of months.

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