This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Webinar: Overview of cMOOC platform trends and creating your own open online course using WordPress 15th May 16:30BST

As part of ocTEL on the 15th May at 16:30BST (check in your own timezone) I’ll be doing a webinar on platforms for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), in particular focusing on some of the connectivist style recipes I’m aware of. As part of this I’ll be taking participants behind the scenes of the ocTEL course highlighting some of the configuration/customisation that’s been done to the WordPress platform. There will be lots of opportunity for questions so if you are thinking of hosting a similar style of course it’s a great chance to find out some of the pitfalls.

This week’s webinar is on platforms for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and in particular focuses on the connectivist style of courses being often taught by individuals or small teams of academics. As well as an overview of emerging trends there will be an in-depth behind the scenes look at the ocTEL platform. ocTEL is built on the open source WordPress blogging platform which has been supplemented with a set of additional plugins and some custom coding. Participants will gain an insight into the challenges of developing and running a connectivist style open course and have the opportunity to quiz the platform architect Martin Hawksey.

You can access the Week 5 webinar via this link A recording of the session is here.

Martin Hawksey is Chief Innovation, Technology and Community Officer for ALT his work is focused on the development of ALT’s member services exploring how connectivist approaches can be used to support the community. This includes the application of data aggregation and dissemination techniques using existing open source platforms such as WordPress.

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