Tag: wk0

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

My Big #ocTEL Question

“Reflecting on your own work experience and ambitions for developing your teaching, what is the most important question about TEL for you?” I don’t do any formal teaching. I work with people who teach, helping to support & develop their use of technologies in their teaching activities. My big TEL related question is how do […]

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My Introduction

I’m a Learning Technologist living & working in London. I’ve been working in education for 20-years as a TEFL teacher, an IT Trainer & a Learning Technologist. Since 2000 I’ve been working in universities in London and I’m currently an E-Learning Manager at City University London. My TEL experience as a Student TEL is my […]

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Hanging out at ocTEL

After mulling it over today, I’ve decided that I’m going to join two main communities for #ocTEL. As the course guidance notes it’s impossible to be everwhere, read everything so I will be participating via this blog following other dedicated ocTEL blogs participating in the ocTEL G+ Community Hopefully that will be manageable.

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Adding some G+ to ocTEL

As I was setting up this blog earlier this afternoon I hesitated at using WordPress; considered Tumblr but remembered that tags don’t work well there and considered G+ but remebered I’ve never really got it. So here we are on WordPress. BUT I’m going to do some chatting over on G+ in the ocTEL G+ […]

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Week 0 Activities

Week 0 is Induction for ocTEL.  It runs for a little over a week: from 4th to 14th April. There is a checklist of things to do: Post a short summary about yourself #ocTEL Explore the ocTEL site and course discussions http://octel.alt.ac.uk Make sure you can login and edit your profile if you wish Check […]

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Here we MOOC again

Over the coming weeks I’ll be participating in #ocTEL and I plan to keep my contibutions here. This is the second MOOC I’ve dipped into; I participated in Coursera’s HCI course for a while last year & created a similar notes blog. I’ll probably only be dipping in to ocTEL as I’m outside of the […]

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