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This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

#ocTEL week 6 – Assessment and Feedback, ‘If you do only one thing’

Hoping to do more than one thing on #ocTEL this week, but here’s my starter for ten. This blog post will be discussing and critiquing assessment methods available on technology-enhanced learning courses. Method 1: Online test How does the assessment align with the course learning outcomes? Tends to be more appropriate for lower level learning […]

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#ocTEL week 6 activity 6.1 Reading and reflection on assessment practices

This activity was based on a JISC (2010) publication.  I’m basing my reflection on a new undergraduate level 2 module which myself and a colleague are planning at the moment. It is based on an online business game simulation played in groups.  It will have two group assessments, a business plan and a performance presentation, […]

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#ocTEL week 6 – Assessment and Feedback, ‘If you do only one thing’

Hoping to do more than one thing on #ocTEL this week, but here’s my starter for ten. This blog post will be discussing and critiquing assessment methods available on technology-enhanced learning courses. Method 1: Online test How does the assessment align with the course learning outcomes? Tends to be more appropriate for lower level learning […]

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Kolb’s Learning Styles

I had heard of learning styles but had never taken the time to understand in detail what the fuss was about.  Having had a good read of the suggested website (a task which I struggled with as I am an “accommodating” type!) I now understand much more.  What’s more, I discovered that although I had […]

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Kolb’s Learning Styles

I had heard of learning styles but had never taken the time to understand in detail what the fuss was about.  Having had a good read of the suggested website (a task which I struggled with as I am an “accommodating” type!) I now understand much more.  What’s more, I discovered that although I had […]

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Creating Virtual Learning Sessions (webinars)

One of the discussion threads this week on otTEL is about running online synchronous sessions using platforms like Blackboard Collaborate or Adobe Connect. I have used both these tools for delivering and attending webinars, but I am always looking to improve my skills in this area. I attended a free webinar run by Citrix in March this year […]

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Creating Virtual Learning Sessions (webinars)

One of the discussion threads this week on otTEL is about running online synchronous sessions using platforms like Blackboard Collaborate or Adobe Connect. I have used both these tools for delivering and attending webinars, but I am always looking to improve my skills in this area. I attended a free webinar run by Citrix in March this year […]

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Developing learning activities for different learning styles

I have always found Kolb’s learning cycle a helpful concept but have been a little more uncertain about his learning styles.  I suppose I don’t like the idea of “putting people in boxes”.  (Kolb’s four-stage cycle of learning is: ‘immediate or concrete experiences’ provide a basis for ‘observations and reflections’. These ‘observations and reflections’ are […]

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Developing learning activities for different learning styles

I have always found Kolb’s learning cycle a helpful concept but have been a little more uncertain about his learning styles.  I suppose I don’t like the idea of “putting people in boxes”.  (Kolb’s four-stage cycle of learning is: ‘immediate or concrete experiences’ provide a basis for ‘observations and reflections’. These ‘observations and reflections’ are […]

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Do affordances make that much difference or 10 things to use a mug for?

Getting back to ocTEL after a break imposed by too many other things to do, this week weve been asked to think about how different tools might relate to Kolbs model of learning styles as depicted here http://www.businessballs.com/images/kolb’s_learning_styles_businessballs.jpg.  I started off … Continue reading

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