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This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Digital environments, learners’ needs and digital literacies

Reflections on understanding learners’ need and digital literacies I filled out all the four questionnaires suggested by #ocTEL week 2 activity and felt they were of little use as they seemed quite generic and also to imply that an online … Continue reading

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Tour ‘o the border sportive 2013

The weather was dreadful at the start and then got worse! I was very apprehensive about dealing with the rain, wind and hills! I also had a problem with brakes – bike had been serviced a week before and now they were sticking. Just an added challenge when going up hill. We stopeed a couple […]

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Motivation – role of autonomy, mastery and purpose

In this ocTEL learner’s needs / readiness week I have been mulling over the importance of intrinsic motivation in learning. I thought I would share this:RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (10.48  – worth it for the content but the animation adds another dimension and makes it really memorable. Enjoy […]

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Bursting (filter) bubbles

I didn’t know about filter bubbles till last week.  I have clearly been existing in a happy bubble unaware of the potential implications of Google’s algorithms generating / tailoring a reality just for me.  I do like all the personalization that comes with Google now but hadn’t really thought about potential flip-sides.  Nothing like a […]

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ocTEL still going

Interesting couple of weeks. Like a lot of people I began to feel overwhelmed quite quickly. I talked face to face with colleagues about how there was no sense of community to motivate me to engage. However     …. … Continue reading

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ocTEL still going

Interesting couple of weeks. Like a lot of people I began to feel overwhelmed quite quickly. I talked face to face with colleagues about how there was no sense of community to motivate me to engage. However     …. … Continue reading

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Digital literacies – a bevy of infographics

I was prompted to really think about the term ‘digital literacy’  after the ocTEL webinar this week when HelenB made the specific point about how it was different from technical competence.  Firstly, this was a relief for me as I am far from technically competent.  However, I hadn’t previously considered the significance of the actual words so I […]

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Feeling Overwhelmed or Not Keeping Up?

A few people I have spoken to about the ocTEL course are feeling a bit overwhelmed and behind already, (me included). I think there are a few things worth remembering: Everyone will engage differently. Don’t compare yourself with some of the more prolific bloggers or contributors. Some people will just read the materials and listen […]

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Feeling Overwhelmed or Not Keeping Up?

A few people I have spoken to about the ocTEL course are feeling a bit overwhelmed and behind already, (me included). I think there are a few things worth remembering: Everyone will engage differently. Don’t compare yourself with some of the more prolific bloggers or contributors. Some people will just read the materials and listen […]

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Readiness to study online questionnaires

My heart sank when I saw this task as I hate online questionnaires with a passion, but I actually quite enjoyed it when I got down to it.  Because we were being asked to look critically at the questionnaires the level of tedium which I normally experience was much reduced!  I completed the questionnaires for […]

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