Tag: Open Course

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

[Presentation] ALT Scotland SIG: ALT’s ocTEL MOOC Experience

Another day, another presentation. Today I’m at ALT Scotland’s SIG highlighting some of the experiences of developing/delivering the ocTEL open course. Slides are embedded below. This is a shorter version of a webinar I gave for ocTEL, a recording of this is here. ALT’s ocTEL MOOC experience: Designing the platform from Martin Hawksey

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[Event] ALT Scotland event – 20th June, Glasgow

On the 20th June I have the pleasure of presenting some of the work around open courses I’ve been doing as part of ocTEL. The event is free and has a great list of other presenters working on open education in Scotland The ALT-Scotland special interest group will be hosting an event on Thursday 20th […]

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Creating a ‘full fat’ RSS feed for Google Gmail labels (enabling some dark social judo)

In this post I want to cover three things. First I want to introduce a little app I’ve developed which allows you to create a RSS feed for any of your Gmail labels (with the option to remove certain links – useful if you don’t want others unsubscribing you from mailing lists). Secondly I explain how it was made and how you can use it yourself. Finally I want to discuss how this could be used in an open course environment, utilising the vast processing power from services like Twitter and reusing there target marketing emails to your benefit with a bit of ‘dark social judo’

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Tapping the rhizomes of dotlife: Creating an RSS search feed for Scoop.it posts

Ready for a ramble? In this post I take you on a journey from my dotbirth, RSS feeds, Chrome Apps, touching upon how I created an RSS feed for Scoopit searches, before kicking the ‘Tin Can’

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Dashboarding your WordPress bbPress forums to gain quick top level insight

The term ‘dashboard’ currently seems to have a similar effect to marmite, you either love it or hate it. In this post I show how you can create an activity data endpoint for bbPress forums which can be dashboarded in Google Spreadsheets

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#ocTEL- an open online course recipe using WordPress

Having recently posted the ingredients card for ocTEL I thought I flesh out some of the details and give ‘mama’s secret recipe’. Like most recipes it’s not perfect and I encourage you to try it yourself and refine where necessary. Also it’s worth remembering that even though the course is in progress the recipe is being continually […]

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#ocTEL: Outline of an open course (maximising email push with MailPress)

This post originally appeared on the ocTEL blog on 15th April and was written in collaboration with David Jennings. I’ve reposted it here as it outlines some of the broad ideas we are using with this open course, but in particular I wanted to highlight the use of the WordPress plugin MailPress to distribute course […]

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#ocTEL Using Google Spreadsheets for a basic analytic to find your fledgling bloggers

One of the nice things about open courses like ocTEL is whilst having your own blogging space wasn’t a mandatory requirement we were aware that a number of participants had setup one up anyway. Conscious that activities like blogging can be very lonely and also aware that this is often a critical moment in motivating […]

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#ocTEL– proudly powered by …

There have been a couple of very interesting WordPress/FeedWordPress recipe cards for open courses from Anne-Marie Scott for #edcmooc and Martin Weller for #h817open. Below is the ingredient list for #octel. Added to the pot is some homegrown veg which gives us some very personal customisation. A lot of this is to tweak the functionality […]

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(M)OOC in a Box: Turning WordPress into an Open Course Reader #ocTEL

Google Readers demise is unfortunate but before it disappears I thought it would be useful to raid some of the functionality for an open course reader (using WordPress/FeedWordPress

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