Tag: moocs

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

#oCTEL MOOCs or Serious Gamification

In week one of the oCTEL course, we’ve been asked to look at a couple of examples of learning methods and comment on them and decide which one you think is more powerful and relevant for you. First I selected

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kerr63: RT @ecampusnews: Can you MOOC your way through #college in one year? http://t.co/A2lVfUbwkw #MOOCs #highered #mooc #octel

RT @ecampusnews: Can you MOOC your way through #college in one year? ow.ly/k4ZG9 #MOOCs #highered #mooc #octel— James Kerr (@Kerr63) April 15, 2013

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MOOC Course Statistics – Scala Documentation

Tags: mooc, moocs, completion rates, recruitment, retention, completionby: Roger Harrison

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suebecks: Interested in reading more about #moocs? Here is a collection of articles http://t.co/Phe9INJig2 #ocTEL

Interested in reading more about #moocs? Here is a collection of articles scoop.it/t/taking-a-loo… #ocTEL

— Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) April 13, 2013

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Big ?'s about Technology Enhanced Learning #ocTEL

One of the activities for week 0 of ocTEL, in addition to writing an introduction about yourself,  is what is the most important question about TEL for you?  I’m not sure what my big question is.  Does technology enhance learning? Y…

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geoffarcher: RT @clairedonlan: Big ?'s about Technology Enhanced Learning http://t.co/s4iG2lcHyj #ocTEL #moocs

RT @clairedonlan: Big ?’s about Technology Enhanced Learning bit.ly/10TBON5 #ocTEL #moocs— Geoff Archer (@GeoffArcher) April 10, 2013

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clairedonlan: Big ?'s about Technology Enhanced Learning http://t.co/s4iG2lcHyj #ocTEL #moocs

Big ?’s about Technology Enhanced Learning bit.ly/10TBON5 #ocTEL #moocs— clairedonlan (@clairedonlan) April 10, 2013

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#oCTEL Networking with thousands of new people – yikes!

One of the potential benefits of taking a MOOC is that it brings an opportunity to network and learn from hundreds, potentially thousands of people. I think the terminology is ‘social learning’ and follows in part the rhizome effect that

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#ocTEL MOOC – Tips & Tricks

A continuously updated technical tips and tricks to getting the most / managing the great flow of information to and from the ocTEL MOOC. [A work in progress] Catchup: Week 0 Webinar Recording Week 1 Webinar Recording Week 2 Webinar Recording Communication It’s great to have your own space to think – …

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ocTEL – An Introduction and Welcome! #edmooc

A welcome to my newly-formed blog, motivated by the first active participation in a MOOC – as opposed to being a lurker. Background and Experience I’ve been professionally involved with technology enhanced learning / elearning / distance learning / [insert your acronym here!] for nearly seven years. After going to completing a …

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