Tag: intro

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Any COETAILers care to join me in the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning?

Yes, I am once again jumping into another MOOC. Once again, I am quite confident that I will “complete” the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Education. (Whatever “complete” means in a MOOC, but that is a different question for a … Continue reading

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Any COETAILers care to join me in the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning?

Yes, I am once again jumping into another MOOC. Once again, I am quite confident that I will “complete” the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Education. (Whatever “complete” means in a MOOC, but that is a different question for a … Continue reading

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My Introduction

I’m a Learning Technologist living & working in London. I’ve been working in education for 20-years as a TEFL teacher, an IT Trainer & a Learning Technologist. Since 2000 I’ve been working in universities in London and I’m currently an E-Learning Manager at City University London. My TEL experience as a Student TEL is my […]

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