This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: OcTEL discussion

by Belinda Green.  

This is working well (for me) thanks Roger. Easy to navigate, I like the daily digest of postings, and I don't feel swamped as in the ocTEL forums (should that be fora? not sure!).  To keep it simple, I'd be happy to have a single forum, perhaps with a new thread for each activity, and other threads for anything else we want to discuss.  I'm also happy not to have tutor style editing rights, and risk messing It up! (I'd have a whole pack of mongrels after me then.....)  I think we should make it viewable to ocTEL participants and moderators, in the spirit of this being an Open course.  What does everyone else think?

Consultant and occasional writer, based in London. Chartered Pscyhologist and CMALT. Overall co-ordinator of ocTEL.