This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

#ocTEL Week 2 – Digital Literacy Questionnaires

Looking at the examples given e.g.
Penn State

University of Houstonthere seems to be some confusion as to the purpose of these questionnaires.

If the purpose is for an individual tutor to assess likely barriers to learning at the start of a course, then a better method might be through a forum where the group can see each others responses and the survey can stimulate discussion and promote peer support

If the purpose is to set student expectations of an online course, then less questions and more guidance and support might help – is it any use knowing I’m rubbish at time management without suggestions on how to improve it?

As far as I can see, the main use of a survey with these type of closed questions would be for institutional information  and  benchmarking around the digital literacy of our students e.g. what devices do they own? what do they use them for? and how is this changing year on year





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