Author: Sue Barnes
I am a learning technology advisor at the University of Strathclyde where i deal with day to day support issues for the use of our Moodle based VLE as well as advising more widely on online learning in general.

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Are our students ready?

ocTEL webinar, week 3: Digital literacies by Helen Beetham I was sadly very proud that a quote from my blog post was included in Helen’s presentation! This social networking game is still new enough for me that I am allowed to be proud of such things so I hope you will excuse my vanity, dear […]

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Are our students ready?

ocTEL webinar, week 3: Digital literacies by Helen Beetham I was sadly very proud that a quote from my blog post was included in Helen’s presentation! This social networking game is still new enough for me that I am allowed to be proud of such things so I hope you will excuse my vanity, dear […]

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Readiness for online learning

The four suggested online readiness questionnaires (as below) cover some common area which I have classified roughly as Computing readiness, Digital literacies, Study skills, Readiness for learning, Learning background and Learning Style. The words in the image above are those used in the questionnaires and show the common themes. There is another version of this below with ‘capable’ […]

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Readiness for online learning

The four suggested online readiness questionnaires (as below) cover some common area which I have classified roughly as Computing readiness, Digital literacies, Study skills, Readiness for learning, Learning background and Learning Style. The words in the image above are those used in the questionnaires and show the common themes. There is another version of this below with ‘capable’ […]

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Not minding my own business

I haven’t done a lot of my own blogging since my post ‘A blogging start’ as I have volunteered to be an ocTEL tutor this week and have become fascinated in finding out what others are up to in their blogs. It is fascinating. There is a great range of blogging backgrounds from seasoned bloggers to […]

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Not minding my own business

I haven’t done a lot of my own blogging since my post ‘A blogging start’ as I have volunteered to be an ocTEL tutor this week and have become fascinated in finding out what others are up to in their blogs. It is fascinating. There is a great range of blogging backgrounds from seasoned bloggers to […]

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Two online courses

Yesterday saw the start of ocTEL proper and the start of our own Teaching and Learning Online (TALON) do I have my work cut out. It will be good to compare the two online courses as they progress. On TALON we have 8 staff members compared to the 800 or so on ocTEL so presumably […]

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Two online courses

Yesterday saw the start of ocTEL proper and the start of our own Teaching and Learning Online (TALON) do I have my work cut out. It will be good to compare the two online courses as they progress. On TALON we have 8 staff members compared to the 800 or so on ocTEL so presumably […]

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A blogging start

To be a ‘real’ learning technologist or e-learning professional I feel I need to give regular blogging a go. I have tried this before but not very seriously so have not got much from the experience. I am more if a doer than a writer or reader (although I read fiction avidly for relaxation) but […]

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A blogging start

To be a ‘real’ learning technologist or e-learning professional I feel I need to give regular blogging a go. I have tried this before but not very seriously so have not got much from the experience. I am more if a doer than a writer or reader (although I read fiction avidly for relaxation) but […]

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