This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Thoughts on completing ALT's ocTEL 2013 (v1.0)

For the last eleven weeks, I have been participating in the UK's Association for Learning Technology's (ALT) Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL) (  It was designed as a connectivist MOOC (cMOOC), utilizing forums, mailing lists, Twitter, personal blogs, and probably several dozen other platforms for content discussion and distribution.  I personally focused on the forums, Twitter, and my personal blog, with occasional posts to diigo, primarily to avoid information overload and social media burnout.

This course has been as fulfilling and challenging as other graduate courses I have completed towards my doctorate.  I have truly enjoyed being challenged by other participants, by the tutors, and occasionally by members of the ocTEL Team.

Not every MOOC I've participated in has left me feeling so challenged or fulfilled.  Frequently, I feel as though I gained some knowledge but didn't become part of a community, of a social network of learners.  I also feel that I was not only a consumer, but was able to share some of my knowledge and experiences as well.

I would like to personally thank the members of the ocTEL team, who truly organized and managed a superb MOOC event:

Linda Creanor
Anna Davidge
Maren Deepwell
Stephen Downes 
Julia Fotheringham
Grainne Hamilton
Rachel Harris
Peter Hartley
Martin Hawksey
David Jennings
Terry McAndrew
Sarah Sherman
Keith Smyth
Karen Strickland
Philip Tubman
Julie Voce
Nicola Whitton
Clive Young

I directly interacted with several members of the ocTEL team, you know who you are!  I also want to acknowledge the tutors, many of whom I interacted with in the forums and on Twitter:

Hayley Atkinson, Sue Barnes, Kevin Brace, Stephen Brown, John Davies, Leanne de Main, Claire Denholm, John Dermo, Sue Folley, Devampika Getkahn, Graham Gibbs, Doug Gowan, Sarah Horrigan, Ruth Johnstone, Marius Jugariu, James Little, Graham McElearney, Craig Paterson, Will Stewart and Anna Warren.

If I have missed anyone, I apologize; these lists came directly from the ocTEL page,

I hope that at least some of the connections that were made during ocTEL last beyond this course, and I look forward to ocTEL 2014!


Doctoral student in Adult and Online Learning; IT Director; Director of Distance Learning and Educational Technology.

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