Tag: Web Page

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement

first monday (2011). Pages: 1-9.

Alison White, David. and Le Cornu et al.

This article proposes a continuum of ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’ as a replacement for Prensky’s much‐criticised Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Challenging the basic premises upon which Prensky constructed his typology, Visitors and Residents fulfil a similar purpose in mapping individuals’ engagement with the Web. We argue that the metaphors of ‘place’ and ‘tool’ most appropriately represent the use of technology in contemporary society, especially given the advent of social media. The Visitors and Residents continuum accounts for people behaving in different ways when using technology, depending on their motivation and context, without categorising them according to age or background. A wider and more accurate representation of online behaviour is therefore established.

Published using Mendeley: The reference manager for researchers

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Tech for teaching: five trends changing higher education

The Conversation (2012).

Gilly Salmon et al.

More than 1,000 years of formal university learning and teaching does not change quickly, or without a struggle. But we are starting to see some key tech trends engaging staff and students – and therein lies the secret to change!

Published using Mendeley: The bibliography manager for researchers

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