Tag: openandonline

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

lubsstudented: #octel Completing, Audting, Disengaging, Sampling. What sort of #MOOC learner are you? #openandonline report http://t.co/TbAE7dOmbd

#octel Completing, Audting, Disengaging, Sampling. What sort of #MOOC learner are you? #openandonline report http://t.co/TbAE7dOmbd— Julia Clarke (@LUBSStudentEd) May 16, 2013

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alejandroa: Over 80% of MOOC participants are already in HE in some capacity. Are MOOCs really about access to HE? #OpenAndOnline #ocTEL

Over 80% of MOOC participants are already in HE in some capacity. Are MOOCs really about access to HE? #OpenAndOnline #ocTEL— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) May 16, 2013

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