Author: alejandroa

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

alejandroa: Over 80% of MOOC participants are already in HE in some capacity. Are MOOCs really about access to HE? #OpenAndOnline #ocTEL

Over 80% of MOOC participants are already in HE in some capacity. Are MOOCs really about access to HE? #OpenAndOnline #ocTEL— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) May 16, 2013

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alejandroa: Carried away by 'new' sexy terms? Flipped classroom, learning design, MOOC (& dozens more) Very few of them are conceptually new #ocTEL

Carried away by ‘new’ sexy terms? Flipped classroom, learning design, MOOC (& dozens more) Very few of them are conceptually new #ocTEL— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 19, 2013

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alejandroa: How was it? The UK’s first Coursera Moocs assessed #ocTEL

How was it? The UK’s first Coursera Moocs assessed #ocTEL…

— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 18, 2013

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alejandroa: @SueFolley Donald Clark's review of S Mitra's experiments is powerful: #ocTEL

@suefolley Donald Clark’s review of S Mitra’s experiments is powerful:… #ocTEL

— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 18, 2013

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alejandroa: End of #ocTEL week 0: end of the email avalanche?

End of #ocTEL week 0: end of the email avalanche?— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 12, 2013

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alejandroa: #ocTEL week 0: No 'BEL' (book-enhanced learning) or 'PEL' (pen-enhanced learning). So why TEL? 'EL' will do!

#ocTEL week 0: No ‘BEL’ (book-enhanced learning) or ‘PEL’ (pen-enhanced learning). So why TEL? ‘EL’ will do!— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 6, 2013

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alejandroa: #ocTEL Week 0: big questions – How can we get rid of the 'T' in 'TEL'?

#ocTEL Week 0: big questions – How can we get rid of the ‘T’ in ‘TEL’?— Alejandro Armellini (@alejandroa) April 5, 2013

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