Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning Why this course? “Higher Education teaching is increasingly using technology to improve the quality and extend the reach of learning. Examples of this can be seen in the growth of distance learning emergence of free and open access to learning materials from the Open University and MIT to Khan […]
Tag: Association of Learning Technology
- Home
- About OCTEL
- Course Materials
- Induction: guidance
- Induction: activities
- 1. TEL Concepts and Approaches
- 2. Understanding Learners’ Needs
- 3. Designing Active Learning
- 4. Engaging and Effective Learning Materials
- 5. Platforms and Technologies
- 6. Timely, Effective Assessment and Feedback
- 7. Supporting Learners with Tutor and Peer Communications
- 8. Enhancement Strategies
- 9: Cheating Murphy’s Law – Keeping on track
- 10: Evaluating TEL and reflection
- Course Discussions
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