Tag: ALT

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ALT-S SIG Glasgow Caledonian University – 20th June 2013

A belated blog about the ALT-S SIG Glasgow Caledonian University on 20th June 2013.

This is the first meeting, apart from at ALT-C that I have attended and the first time that I’ve been to GCU.  It was very interesting and useful and I met and talked to quite a few people that I’ve not met before.  The attendees were mostly Learning Technologists.
There was a mixture of presentations and talks and then group discussions with feedback.
The presentations were the following which were all very interesting and useful.

Dr Christine Sinclair, University of Edinburgh: The Coursera Experience

Grainne Hamilton, Jisc RSC Scotland: Open Badges

Martin Hawksey, Cetis: ALT’s ocTEL MOOC experience: Designing the platform

As well as tweeting from the event, I did take some brief notes……

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Assessing Assessment – ocTEL

This week on ocTEL we’re looking at assessment. As part of my thinking I refelcted on the use of quizzes in Moodle. Designing Moodle quizzes is much more than just been able to use the quiz tool from a technical perspective. There is a real art to crafting questions so that they not only allow […]

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This Page has been Blocked – ocTEL

After posting my reflection on the Adventure Game I was reminded of Fantastic Contraption. This is a puzzle game that require logical thinking, but because of the design of the game there is no one answer, you can be very creative. It’s also very social as you can share your “contraptions” with others. I have […]

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Active Play – ocTEL

Have found a little time this week to look at ocTEL. Over recent decades, game-based learning has grown as a form of TEL. It encapsulates many principles of active learning, such as engagement in an authentic context, learning by mistake-making and reflection, experiential learning, collaborative learning and learning by problem-solving. As such, it is worth […]

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Week 1: TEL Concepts and Approaches #ocTEL

Firstly … yes, I know the ‘error’ in the title! This one is called ‘Week 1 …’, and so was the last one: “Week 1: Induction #ocTEL”. I made a mistake, last week. While last week was technically the first week of the MOOC it was not assigned a numerical identity as it was the […]

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So what if I am not connected?

One of the challenges with any MOOC is finding the time to engage with the course, especially if you are doing it in your own time and have no dedicated staff development time slot to fit it in. I am sure that I am not that different to many others undertaking ocTEL in undertaking the […]

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It’s not Napster

Interesting Examples of Technology Enhanced Learning – ocTEL Probably the most interesting example of TEL for me at the moment is the MOOC, but probably not in the way you would expect. What interests me about MOOCs is the hype surrounding them and a belief that they will have a significant impact on the HE […]

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The real question – ocTEL

Many years ago, in 1999, I facilitated and delivered an online course, using First Class on how to facilitate and deliver online. The participants were college staff, many of whom had limited experience of using the internet. My own experience was quite limited, but I had since 1998 really immersed myself in the internet and […]

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Experimentation and Exploration – ocTEL

Activity 0.3 of the ocTEL MOOC asks Experiment with and/or reflect on different ways of communicating with fellow ocTEL participants. I have been using most (if not all) the different ways to communicate and chat with fellow ocTEL participants. I have posted and responded using the ocTEL JISCMail e-mail mailing list. I have posted to […]

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ocTEL – An Introduction and Welcome! #edmooc

A welcome to my newly-formed blog, motivated by the first active participation in a MOOC – as opposed to being a lurker. Background and Experience I’ve been professionally involved with technology enhanced learning / elearning / distance learning / [insert your acronym here!] for nearly seven years. After going to completing a …

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