Im impressed by the quality of the course population: lots of people active in the field of TEL, although I get the impression the balance is more in favour of those who support teaching (learning technologists) than those who do it (teachers) ….yes I know that’s a crude distinction but Im short of time so please forgive this shorthand. I think Im reflecting a remark made by another participant that we are perhaps preaching to the converted here, but I guess that’s not surprising since this is an ALT MOOC. Im not sure but I think the course population profile may also be a little skewed towards younger early careerists. If that were true I suppose that’s not so surprising either. I found the mailstorm of the first day combined with the need to register with several different web sites requiring new logons and passwords disorientating, but Ive already had direct help and picked up useful tips from others so that says a lot about the kind of people who have enrolled. Ive also come across several familiar names, so ocTEL is begging to feel a little less like riding a tiger.