This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL – Course Contents

Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning

Why this course?

“Higher Education teaching is increasingly using technology to improve the quality and extend the reach of learning. Examples of this can be seen in the growth of distance learning

  • emergence of free and open access to learning materials from the Open University and MIT to Khan Academy
  • learning via simulations, as for example when dentistry students practise drilling skills with ‘virtual’ teeth
  • mobile and location-aware learning delivery, providing know-how at exactly the time and place it is needed

Poor use of technology is a significant waster of time and money in the public sector. UK Higher Education is not exempt from this problem.

This course will help those planning and delivering teaching in HE to make the best use of technology in their work and avoid pitfalls and hiccups.

What the course covers

The course comprises ten modules plus an ‘induction’ week when participants get to experiment and explore how the course works. Each module is designed to consist of five learning hours, including a one-hour live webinar (scheduled on Wednesday at 12:30 UK time, with one or two exceptions) and a range of other activities.”

Technology Enhanced Learning Foundations — 15 hours
15 April TEL concepts and approaches
22 April Understanding learners’ needs
29 April Active Learning
TEL methods and tools — 20 hours
6 May Producing engaging and effective earning materials
13 May Platforms and technologies
20 May Providing timely, effective assessment and feedback
27 May Supporting learners with tutor and peer communications
Managing TEL — 15 hours
3 June Maximising learning for minimum cost
10 June Keeping things on track and cheating Murphy’s Law
17 June Evaluating TEL and farewell

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