This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL accreditation and mapping to CMALT

We appreciate that many people doing ocTEL want to get some credentials to evidence their learning. If we develop a revised ocTEL 2.0, then we aim to include some form of lightweight accreditation (Open Badges is favourite). In the meantime we’ve promised an electronic certificate of participation and ocTEL badge for use online.

ALT also administers the CMALT accreditation scheme (Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology), and we have mapped each week of ocTEL against the “core areas of work” in CMALT (thanks to Tom Franklin for doing this). The four main areas, elaborated in full in this Prospectus (PDF), are:

  1. Operational issues
  2. Teaching, learning and/or assessment processes
  3. The wider context
  4. Communication

If you’re interested in registering for CMALT, then this mapping should help you use the activities you’ve done on ocTEL as evidence of achievement in the relevant areas of work. A simple mapping follows, but for preparing your CMALT portfolio you may find the expanded version in this Google Doc more easy to use.

  1. Induction — Looks at how a variety of technologies can be used in learning and teaching.  As such it will be directly relevant to 1a) An understanding of the constraints and benefits of different technology. Reflecting on your use of technology will be particularly helpful in completing your application. There may also be methods you use here that are applicable to 4a) Working with others
  2. TEL concepts and approaches — Primarily relates to 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes, but may also have some bearing on 2b) An understanding of your target learners
  3. Understanding learners’ needs — Relates directly to 2b) An understanding of your target learners
  4. Designing active learning — Primarily relates to 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes, but may also have some bearing on 2b) An understanding of your target learners.  Depending on how you approach it there may also be material relevant to 1a) An understanding of the constraints and benefits of different technologies.
  5. Producing learning materials — Starts from users, and therefore should be especially applicable to 2b) An understanding of your target learners.  While building the learning materials will require 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes.  Given some of the issues around using OERs the section may also relate to 3) Understanding and engaging with legislation, policies and standards, especially in relation to plagiarism and intellectual property rights. If your specialist topic is around any of: creation of learning materials; OERs; managing or sourcing content; managing and sourcing content, then this section may be of particular interest.
  6. Platforms and technologies — Relates to both 1a) An understanding of the constraints and benefits of different technology and 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes.   It will also be informed by 2b) An understanding of your target learners.  It should also provide information and understanding relevant to 3) Understanding and engaging with legislation, policies and standards especially in the area of accessibility / disability.
  7. Assessment and feedback — Maps directly to the assessment part of 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes
  8. Supporting learners — Relates to 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes, you may also consider using some of your work in this area in 4) Working with others. May also relate to some specialist topics, including (but not limited to): peer support; supporting and tutoring learners; distance learning/blended learning/e-learning.
  9. Enhancement strategies — Relates to 1a) An understanding of the constraints and benefits of different technology.  You may also find aspects that relate to 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes and 2b) An understanding of your target learners. It may also relate to some specialist topics such as the economics of technology enhanced learning, reducing costs through technology enhanced learning
  10. Keeping on track — Relates to 1c) Supporting the deployment of learning technologies (But note that there are many other ways of approaching 1c, it does not have to pertain to project management or risk management). This may also relate to some specialist topics such as: project management; risk management; management/administration of a sustainable e-learning process
  11. Evaluating TEL and reflection — Evaluation can relate to any section of CMALT, but given the nature of this MOOC is most likely to map to 1a) An understanding of the constraints and benefits of different technology, 2a) An understanding of teaching, learning and/or assessment processes and 2b) An understanding of your target learners


Consultant and occasional writer, based in London. Chartered Pscyhologist and CMALT. Overall co-ordinator of ocTEL.

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2 comments on “ocTEL accreditation and mapping to CMALT
  1. Roger Harrison says:

    Hi David – do you know when the certificate of badge will be available for this current course? of have I overlooked the method for achieving this?

    Also will be have sight later of the evaluation outcomes and research etc?



  2. David Jennings says:

    Roger, we have a slight technical glitch with the certificate, sorry – we hope to have it available next week.

    Yes, we are planning to publish both the raw data and some form of review report. We don’t have a date for these yet, though.