Hi and welcome to my ocTEL blog! I have set this blog up purely for engagement with the ALT ocTEL course running April-June 2013. I am looking forward to the course, both from the content point of view and for the experience in taking part in a MOOC. I have taken part in one MOOC before – the Digital Cultures one run by Coursera, which was a really interesting course, so I am now looking forward to this one. I work as an Academic Developer supporting staff with learning technologies and so this course is very relevant to my role. I have recently completed an EdD which explored tutors’ early experiences of teaching online, so have a particular interest in online education.
I am also providing some support for other staff from the University of Huddersfield who are participating in this course, so providing support with both the technical side of setting up blogs and using Twitter in addition to providing some resources and space for discussions about the course. So if you are from the University of Huddersfield and have not yet let me know you are taking the course, please let me know – thanks!
Other than that, looking forward to the course content and engaging with the wider educational community about technology enhanced learning.