Forum Replies Created
MemberHi Anna, I would absolutely agree with the idea of a blended learning experience benefiting students metacognitive skills, especially with managing time and workloads. I saw this Video a few years back in 2011. I’m not sure if it is out of date, but it is good food for thought about the kinds of issues we face as educators insofar as instilling an understanding of the digital era in students.
Member24/7 access to online resources and online communities is a big draw card. There are more implications in the statement which can be explored in many facets of Higher Learning. For example, it is possible to set up learning experiences for students to engage with in action, allowing for the ability to design out of the class activities which are experiential in nature. There is an abundance of research supporting the notin of experiential learning and online learning
Murphrey, T. P. (2010). A case study of eeLearning: Using technology to create and facilitate experiential learning.Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 11(4), 211-22).
Huang, C. D., & Behara, R. S. (2007). Outcome-driven experiential learning with web 2.0. Journal of Information Systems Education, 18(3), 329-336
Furthermore, there is the legal issue of accessibility. Some students might not be able to access the actual lecture theatres for one reason or another. Putting the content online gives access to such students. For example, one straight HD student might fall ill and cannot come to the lecture series, hence losing the potential to gain crucial information. Putting it online to watch at a more convenient time ensures that the student does not miss out.
What I am speaking of is only putting content online. When you are able to find and discover new strategies to engage a community of online learners, then there is the potential for the academic to play less of a role in directing the learning outcomes of their students. They will still be involved, but not to the point where they are spoon feeding and directing all learning opportunities.
The other argument one could put forward is, students are already engaging each other online. If you do not get in on that activity, then you risk students gaining access to inaccurate and unreliable information and failing as a result. Fear is not the best approach, but that senario is a real possibility.
By combining the possibility of increased learning opportunities with the tacit knowledge of the academic, you unleash synergistic features of all stakeholders.
MemberHey Jack, that’s no good about the webinar. There should be a recording about it being posted soon. As usually happens in these kinds of scenarios. So you should be able to access the content soon. I don’t think i’ll try attending live webinars, as it is too difficult to find the time. Just part of the deal for anyone MOOC-ing across the world I guess.
Why are you sceptical of TEL, if you don’t mind my asking?
MemberHi Anna, I believe this is the right place for you. Hopefully we can all contribute ideas in one way or another. I will be blogging about my thoughts, and posting links in the forum. I am happy to comment on someone else’s blog if they wish to do so too
MemberHi Jack, rest assured, we’re all in this together. Generally speaking, the content for the unit will be released weekly. Last weeks content was under ‘Course Materials‘ in the navigation bar. There are two components Guidance and Activities. Located in Course materials are resources for reading, watch and responding. Follow the guidance then move to the activities. I think this is the way it supposed to work. My post was to do with one of the responding questions surrounding engagement with MOOCs and any level. I hope this helps.
MemberHere is my first post for this unit. Have a look and let me know. Keen on any kind of feedback.
MemberHi Andrew, are you happy using this space as a central communication area? It’d be good for chat and what not. However, I am open to ideas.
MemberThanks Sherrie, you’re a good Friend.
MemberSo who wants to start a forum for this?
MemberSomeone who I work with (and is a Good Friend) is trying to update her profile and can’t see the WP profile bar. I’m not sure if this is a common problem. However, if you would like to know how to access your profile from the frontend, just go to the forum page and the bottom widget on the right column has edit user profile. There you can add your blog link and RSS feed. Hope this helps for anyone who might have this kind of issue.
MemberYes, would be nice to have a forum for this.
Memberhave set up my first blog. Do I send you the address?