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Case study 9 Assessing my own professional performance

Home Forums Timely, Effective Assessment and Feedback (Week 6) Evaluation and review (Activity 6.2) Case study 9 Assessing my own professional performance

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  • #4727
    Jillian Pawlyn

    Extract from Text:

    Component – Opportunities exist to develop skills of self-regulation at all stages of learners’ higher education experience.
    Case study – Assessing my own professional performance.
    Summary Learners – Medical students develop clinical decision-making skills by means of virtual patient software .
    Learning context – Undergraduate- and postgraduate-entry medical students; campus-based learning.
    Themes – Virtual patients enable self-correction in clinical decision making;  Learners advise on designs of virtual patients;  Virtual patients provide motivational opportunities for learning by trial and error.
    REAP – 7. Facilitate the development of self assessment and reflection in learning;9. Involve learners in decision making about assessment policy and practice; 11. Encourage positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem.
    Technologies – Moodle; OpenLabyrinth; vpSim.


    The perspective on learning is Situative and Constructivist, the students are learning in a discipline specific situation, replicated through simulation. They are learning from their experienced, learning from success and from mistakes, without risk to patients. 🙂

    I really like their Final words

    “Feedback on the virtual patient initiative has made it clear how much students benefit from the freedom to fail in the safety of an online environment. The richest learning experience comes from getting something wrong and being able to self-correct”.

    Live web chat with a clinician might achieve a similar experience. student reading or viewing the case study and then telling the assessing clinician what they would do, be given feedback and the next part of the scenario and so on until they reach their final decision.This would be a step backwards, clinicians have been doing this real time and in person, so there is no real benefit in just ‘digitising’ the experience.

    The resources could be delivered through a different environment YouTube ,Google docs for case studies, online journals for reflection or discussion forum for open discussion. However these would not give the immediate feedback required in this type of scenario, the success here is that it simulates the patient clinician interaction where you receive information and make decisions in a reasonable length of time and receive immediate feedback on your decision which informs your next decision. This would not work well through asynchronous discourse.


    Any suggestions for alternatives? please add them below ….


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