Category: Twitter (Q&A)

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

reedyreedles: Ha. Thought the same thing this morning RT @hopkinsdavid I've forgetten all about #ocTEL … how's it going people?

Ha. Thought the same thing this morning RT @hopkinsdavid I’ve forgetten all about #ocTEL … how’s it going people?

— Peter Reed (@reedyreedles) June 4, 2013

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lubsstudented: #octel if Thomas Hardy were writing today would Jude the Obscure be studying a #MOOC ?

#octel if Thomas Hardy were writing today would Jude the Obscure be studying a #MOOC ?— Julia Clarke (@LUBSStudentEd) June 3, 2013

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kerr63: @altoctel I thought #ocTEL 's Induction week went well; perhaps too much emphasis on listserv that ultimately isn't used much by octellers?

@altoctel I thought #ocTEL ‘s Induction week went well; perhaps too much emphasis on listserv that ultimately isn’t used much by octellers?

— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 3, 2013

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kerr63: Massive Open Online Resource? via @wordpressdotcom #octel #tel #mooc

Massive Open Online Resource? via @wordpressdotcom #octel #tel #mooc— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 3, 2013

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elizabethecharl: Bill Bowen: "The 'Cost Disease' in Higher Education: Is Technology the Answer?" Part 1 | @scoopit #octel #highered

Bill Bowen: “The ‘Cost Disease’ in Higher Education: Is Technology the Answer?” Part 1 | @scoopit #octel #highered

— Elizabeth E Charles (@ElizabethECharl) June 2, 2013

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anortcliffe: #ocTEL wordpress tools certainly enables you to collate and make cMOOCs to be agile in pushing learning, but risk passive learners?

#ocTEL wordpress tools certainly enables you to collate and make cMOOCs to be agile in pushing learning, but risk passive learners?— anortcliffe (@anortcliffe) June 1, 2013

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anortcliffe: #ocTEL @mhawksey ocTEL 2.0 in addition to push aggregated RSS, but also encourage participants to collate narratives of interest from ocTEL?

#ocTEL @mhawksey ocTEL 2.0 in addition to push aggregated RSS, but also encourage participants to collate narratives of interest from ocTEL?— anortcliffe (@anortcliffe) June 1, 2013

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anortcliffe: #ocTEL question is how much ocTEL evoked activity outside measurable iactivity by ocTEL participants with colleagues not on the MOOC?

#ocTEL question is how much ocTEL evoked activity outside measurable iactivity by ocTEL participants with colleagues not on the MOOC?— anortcliffe (@anortcliffe) June 1, 2013

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altoctel: RT @OpenPlanStu: The #ocTEL catchup continues. Week 5 blog: how do you make technology disappear?

The #ocTEL catchup continues. Week 5 blog: how do you make technology disappear?— Stuart Allan (@OpenPlanStu) May 30, 2013

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anortcliffe: #ocTEL. Sharing resource issue From a biz perspective as we compete in HE market will HE embrace or draw up the bridge on shared resources?

#ocTEL. Sharing resource issue From a biz perspective as we compete in HE market will HE embrace or draw up the bridge on shared resources?— anortcliffe (@anortcliffe) May 31, 2013

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