Category: Twitter (Q&A)

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

julievoce: @ejarmstrong Up to you where you want to restart with #ocTEL. I'd suggest seeing which topics most interest you and starting there :)

@ejarmstrong Up to you where you want to restart with #ocTEL. I’d suggest seeing which topics most interest you and starting there 🙂

— Julie Voce (@julievoce) June 11, 2013

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kerr63: 2 for 1? Design courses for delivery via both credit and "free" to keep development costs down #octel #tel

2 for 1? Design courses for delivery via both credit and “free” to keep development costs down #octel #tel

— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 10, 2013

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openplanstu: #ocTEL week 7 blog. Tutor and peer communications: your place or mine?

#ocTEL week 7 blog. Tutor and peer communications: your place or mine?— Stuart Allan (@OpenPlanStu) June 7, 2013

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altoctel: RT @Kerr63: Massive Open Online Resource? Stanford's Dr. Keith Devlin on MOOCs #octel #tel #mooc

Massive Open Online Resource? Stanford’s Dr. Keith Devlin on MOOCs #octel #tel #mooc

— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 5, 2013

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kerr63: Massive Open Online Resource? Stanford's Dr. Keith Devlin on MOOCs #octel #tel #mooc

Massive Open Online Resource? Stanford’s Dr. Keith Devlin on MOOCs #octel #tel #mooc

— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 5, 2013

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kerr63: Is listening to #iTunesU content on a mobile device the same as listening while mobile? #octel #tel (I say no)

Is listening to #iTunesU content on a mobile device the same as listening while mobile? #octel #tel (I say no)— James Kerr (@Kerr63) June 4, 2013

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altoctel: Does @saylordotorg deserve to be more widely known? @suebbarnes45 seems to think so #ocTEL

Does @saylordotorg deserve to be more widely known? @suebbarnes45 seems to think so #ocTEL— ALT ocTEL course (@ALTocTEL) June 4, 2013

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mekanik: RT @e180: No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat …

No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat #moocs— E-180 (@e180) June 4, 2013

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sdp80: RT @e180: No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat …

No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat #moocs— E-180 (@e180) June 4, 2013

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e180: No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat #moocs

No classrooms by 2020? via @ElizabethECharl #coedu & #P2Plearning to become bigger reality #octel #edchat #moocs— E-180 (@e180) June 4, 2013

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