Category: Course Reader

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

One last hoorah from me on the #ocTEL front: my blog post.

Helen Crump

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 08:40:39 GMT
– Community
– OCTEL Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (Discussion)
One last hoorah from me on the #ocTEL front: my blog post.

Before #ocTEL rolls out of town, I spent a couple of pleasant hours today looking over some of the course materials and posts from the last couple of weeks. Although I’ve been deleting the daily ne…

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June 22, 2013
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#ocTEL week 10: evaluating TEL

June 21, 2013 | Open Plan Publishing

Designing in features of evaluation gives you a chance to see how your TEL resources are being used, and also provides evidence that might help people to buy into what you’re doing (or tell you if you’ve got it totally … Continue reading → Read more »

Learning from failure

June 21, 2013 | Learning Theology Online

In an article on the Secrets of mLearning Failures: Confronting Reality, Thomas Cochrane suggests that “Often the most significant breakthroughs in pedagogical transformation resulting from participatory action research are those borne of experiences of failure and critical reflection upon the surrounding issues” (p. 132). (Article available at: http://www.researchinlearnin... This is Read more »

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Course Ending

Thanks to the course team for all their hard work and enthusiasm which made the experience of this course so rich and valuable for me; I made some wonderful contacts that I hope will be enduring. I also welcome the course materials being stored for our…

Hi Jillian, I love your knot analogy. I could envisage extending it to that feeling of having to craft…

Rachel Harris

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:48:58 GMT
– Public
Hi Jillian, I love your knot analogy. I could envisage extending it to that feeling of having to craft what I write on a blog post (knot 6.31), rather than just getting the ideas out there (knot 0.1)! I think that is why I find twitter so much easier.
Glad to hear you enjoyed ocTEL!

Activity 10.3 I had two questions How will I/we/they (academics) know when/whether the technologies deployed have enhanced learning?  How can we identify when learners have disengaged from learning because the technolog…

Re: Webinar reminder – today at 12:30 (British Summer Time)

sorry for missing the last session. It was really interesting experience.

Wish you all the best


On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Andy Turner wrote:

> Sorry to have missed the final webinar live. I’ve managed to join in the
> majority and interact and I feel that I gained from them all, even those I
> only viewed recordings of. Sorry not to have been more engaged especially
> in the last few weeks. I still have intentions to revisit materials and
> make more headway on activities and viewing others contributions. It has
> been […]

#ocTEL week 10: evaluating TEL

Designing in features of evaluation gives you a chance to see how your TEL resources are being used, and also provides evidence that might help people to buy into what you’re doing (or tell you if you’ve got it totally … Continue reading

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Re: Webinar reminder – today at 12:30 (British Summer Time)

Hi,Agree with Andy – this has been my first experience of MOOC and have beenmainly lurking rather than participating this time. Initially the numberof emails was off-putting, but as I read/saw more, I’ve found more time totake part because I’m finding …

Re: Webinar reminder – today at 12:30 (British Summer Time)

Sorry to have missed the final webinar live. I’ve managed to join in the majority and interact and I feel that I gained from them all, even those I only viewed recordings of. Sorry not to have been more engaged especially in the last few weeks. I still…

Re: ocTEL final webinar – 12:30 today

Hi All,I also want to add my thanks. Like many other participants I have onlybeen able to dip in and out a little due to work commitments, however I dointend to participate again when ocTEL 2.0 runs next year. The content anddelivery has been fantastic…
