Category: Course information

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL at ALT-C 2013

If you took part in ocTEL, you probably couldn’t help noticing that the Association for Learning Technology, which runs the course, also runs an annual conference — known as ALT-C. Video clips of  talks at previous ALT-Cs are liberally sprinkled through

Living and learning in the open

Now that ocTEL has been over for a few weeks, we in the team are at leisure to look back on it with rose-tinted glasses. The sky didn’t fall, no animals were harmed, and a few participants even had some

ocTEL accreditation and mapping to CMALT

We appreciate that many people doing ocTEL want to get some credentials to evidence their learning. If we develop a revised ocTEL 2.0, then we aim to include some form of lightweight accreditation (Open Badges is favourite). In the meantime we’ve

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Week 10 webinar recording now available

Thanks to everyone who took part in ocTEL’s webinar last week. If you missed all or part of the week 10 webinar, the materials from the session are now available on the Course Materials page, which also has links to materials from each

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ocTEL is over, long live ocTEL

Please forgive the slightly self-important title, but what we wanted to let everyone know is that, while the first run of the course is over, ocTEL will continue to be available for a variety of purposes: participate — existing participants

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ocTEL Week 10 Webinar

Join our weekly webinar at 12.30 on Thursday 20 June, via Blackboard Collaborate 11. You can access the Week 10 webinar via this link. This week’s webinar PLEASE NOTE this week’s webinar is on THURSDAY at 12.30pm rather than the usual Wednesday

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Week 9 webinar recording now available

Thanks to everyone who took part in ocTEL’s webinar this week. If you missed all or part of the week 9 webinar, the materials from the session are now available on the Course Materials page, which is updated weekly with materials from each

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Action plan and case study activities: your feedback please

When we designed ocTEL we reasoned that anyone who was still with us in the three to four weeks at the back end of the course would, by definition, be fairly earnest and committed to Technology Enhanced Learning. Therefore we

Wrapping up Week 8: the E in TEL

Last week’s theme on ocTEL focused on a fundamental question in Technology Enhanced Learning: why are we doing this? In what ways is TEL better than other forms of learning? Many remain suspicious that it isn’t better, so we need good,

ocTEL Week 9 Webinar

Join our weekly webinar at 12.30 on Wednesday 12 June, via Blackboard Collaborate 11. You can access the Week 9 webinar via this link. This week’s webinar In this week’s webinar we have two presenters from Imperial College London who will discuss

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