Author: tonyh161a
Hi, I am a mental health nurse educator and I live in Wellington New Zealand, I work for a DHB here in NZ and i am really keen to create engaging learning material to put onto our electronic learning management system for nurses to access and use to support their own professional development. It would be great to connect with other people from NZ participating in the course too. i am originally from Manchester in the UK and was a senior lecturer at UCLan in Preston.

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.


Well I did my bio and questions I want to consider in the course….hope they are visible? T

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OcTEL bio and big questions!

Hi, my name is Tony Heyward, I have been a mental health nurse for many years in the UK and now New Zealand, it’s great to be able to experience doing something that I am really passionate about in two … Continue reading

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Well I did my bio and questions I want to consider in the course….hope they are visible? T

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OcTEL bio and big questions!

Hi, my name is Tony Heyward, I have been a mental health nurse for many years in the UK and now New Zealand, it’s great to be able to experience doing something that I am really passionate about in two … Continue reading

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