Author: raharris

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

raharris: @jimjamyahauk Hi James, I'd like to call on a few tutors to talk about their experience during today's #octel webinar. Would you be willing?

@jimjamyahauk Hi James, I’d like to call on a few tutors to talk about their experience during today’s #octel webinar. Would you be willing?

— Rachel Harris (@raharris) June 20, 2013

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raharris: I need to follow @mhawksey's lead & share my fav posts from #octel newsletter Finding resources, making resources?…

I need to follow @mhawksey‘s lead & share my fav posts from #octel newsletter Finding resources, making resources?…

— Rachel Harris (@raharris) May 15, 2013

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raharris: @elearningPosts: MOOCs: Threat or Opportunity? [INFOGRAPHIC] #octel

@elearningposts: MOOCs: Threat or Opportunity? [INFOGRAPHIC] #octel— Rachel Harris (@raharris) May 8, 2013

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raharris: @mhawksey Could you remind me the range of contributions the #ocTEL course reader collects from (twitter, blog, delicious…)?

@mhawksey Could you remind me the range of contributions the #ocTEL course reader collects from (twitter, blog, delicious…)?— Rachel Harris (@raharris) May 7, 2013

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raharris: @mhawksey more a cookbook than a recipe?! A Haynes manual? Amazing to read about everything that's going on in the background of #ocTEL

@mhawksey more a cookbook than a recipe?! A Haynes manual? Amazing to read about everything that’s going on in the background of #ocTEL— Rachel Harris (@raharris) April 30, 2013

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raharris: RT @helenauea #futurelearn top 5 things students value about a #MOOC Wonder if #ocTEL participants would agree?

RT @helenauea #futurelearn top 5 things students value about a #MOOC… Wonder if #ocTEL participants would agree?

— Rachel Harris (@raharris) April 30, 2013

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raharris: @sheilmcn: How was it? The UK’s first Mooc assessed | News | Times Higher Education one for #octel

@sheilmcn: How was it? The UK’s first Mooc assessed | News | Times Higher Education… one for #octel

— Rachel Harris (@raharris) April 18, 2013

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