Author: Stuart Allan

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

openplanpub: @TechSmithEDU I'm really interested in using #Camtasia. Quick question: does it support non-Western characters, e.g. Arabic/Chinese? #ocTEL

@techsmithedu I’m really interested in using #Camtasia. Quick question: does it support non-Western characters, e.g. Arabic/Chinese? #ocTEL— Open Plan Publishing (@OpenPlanPub) May 9, 2013

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openplanpub: Does HE need to teach "the mechanics of using digital resources and digital devices", though? Won't people teach themselves? #ocTEL #diglit

Does HE need to teach “the mechanics of using digital resources and digital devices”, though? Won’t people teach themselves? #ocTEL #diglit— Open Plan Publishing (@OpenPlanPub) April 26, 2013

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openplanpub: What kind of digital learner are you? Really interesting – thanks @helenbeetham #ocTEL

What kind of digital learner are you?… Really interesting – thanks @helenbeetham#ocTEL

— Open Plan Publishing (@OpenPlanPub) April 26, 2013

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openplanpub: I know it's week 2 already, but here's my #ocTEL week 1 blog: are connections all students want?

I know it’s week 2 already, but here’s my #ocTEL week 1 blog: are connections all students want?…

— Open Plan Publishing (@OpenPlanPub) April 22, 2013

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openplanpub: Finally caught up on #ocTEL week 0 webinar. Peer support would be useful, but is peer assessment appropriate to HE?

Finally caught up on #ocTEL week 0 webinar. Peer support would be useful, but is peer assessment appropriate to HE?…

— Open Plan Publishing (@OpenPlanPub) April 15, 2013

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