Author: Kulari Lokuge Dona

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.



OERs are always interesting. OERs provides an opportunity to use pre-created learning resources. Sometimes it could be only part of the resource that we will need. However, rather than re-inventing it is good to re-use and be sustainable.

With ocTEL the following links were provided as some interesting OER resource hubs.

Jorum and Merlot has been around for sometime, and I have used resource from these two hubs in the past. 

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Learning Theories #ocTEL

As we all know there are many learning theories, and often we can find loads of articles about each of these theories and what it was introduced through week 3 learning resources of ocTEL and it provides the summary…

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#ocTEL An Open Course in Teachonlogy Enhanced Learning

The MOOC I am starting this week is a course run by the Association of Learning Technologists and is titled the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL). This is my fourth MOOC. I have enjoyed my previous MOOCs, and I am looking forward to…

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