Author: James Clay

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

The iPad Pedagogy Wheel

One question that often arises is how can I use this nice shiny iPad that you have given me to support teaching and learning? In a previous blog post I talked about assessment and the importance of deeper and higher thinking skills. I mentioned in that post that using Bloom’s Taxonomy is one way of getting […]

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e-Learning Stuff » Blog Archive » Assessing Assessment – ocTEL

James Clay

Wed, 22 May 2013 14:17:06 GMT
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This week on ocTEL we’re looking at assessment. As part of my thinking I refelcted on the use of quizzes in Moodle. Designing Moodle quizzes is much more than just been able to use the quiz tool from a technical perspective. There is a real art to crafting questions so that they not only allow …

Assessing Assessment – ocTEL

This week on ocTEL we’re looking at assessment. As part of my thinking I refelcted on the use of quizzes in Moodle. Designing Moodle quizzes is much more than just been able to use the quiz tool from a technical perspective. There is a real art to crafting questions so that they not only allow […]

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#ocTEL This Page has been Blocked…

James Clay

Thu, 02 May 2013 18:09:38 GMT
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#ocTEL This Page has been Blocked this time puzzle games and blocking.

After posting my reflection on the Adventure Game I was reminded of Fantastic Contraption. This is a puzzle game that require logical thinking, but because of the design of the game there is no one an…

This Page has been Blocked – ocTEL

After posting my reflection on the Adventure Game I was reminded of Fantastic Contraption. This is a puzzle game that require logical thinking, but because of the design of the game there is no one answer, you can be very creative. It’s also very social as you can share your “contraptions” with others. I have […]

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So there I was thinking I could have a go at the Puzzle game from the ocTEL page, but alas the site was…

James Clay

Thu, 02 May 2013 17:45:45 GMT
– Community
So there I was thinking I could have a go at the Puzzle game from the ocTEL page, but alas the site was blocked. This is an issue with any kind of MOOC or TEL activity when the learner has to access a third party site that an “administrator” has deemed to be “unsuitable”. The key question is how easy is it to have the site unblocked. In this case probably unlikely as I am using the public wifi at the local library. What is also quite interesting, but could be worrying for learners, is the comment “The request was logged”. You could imagine a learner thinking that if they went to too many blocked sites they would lose their internet access. It’s an interesting aspect of this MOOC that I suspect hasn’t really been thought about.

Active Play – ocTEL

Have found a little time this week to look at ocTEL. Over recent decades, game-based learning has grown as a form of TEL. It encapsulates many principles of active learning, such as engagement in an authentic context, learning by mistake-making and reflection, experiential learning, collaborative learning and learning by problem-solving. As such, it is worth […]

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#ocTEL thinking about games, reminded me how much I like Fantastic Contraption.

James Clay

Thu, 02 May 2013 17:34:12 GMT
– Google+
#ocTEL thinking about games, reminded me how much I like Fantastic Contraption.

If you like using your iPhone for games (in the main casual gaming) then you may be interested in the following games that I have enjoyed playing on my iPhone over the last few years. Fantastic Contra…

#ocTEL  So what if I am not connected?

James Clay

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:12:14 GMT
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So what if I am not connected?

First Great Western. One of the challenges with any MOOC is finding the time to engage with the course, especially if you are doing it in your own time and have no dedicated staff development time slo…

So what if I am not connected?

One of the challenges with any MOOC is finding the time to engage with the course, especially if you are doing it in your own time and have no dedicated staff development time slot to fit it in. I am sure that I am not that different to many others undertaking ocTEL in undertaking the […]

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