Author: Inspired IT Trainer

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL – What is a MOOC?

If you want to listen to David Cormier (who coined the term MOOC) about his view of what a MOOC is then this is an excellent YouTube video to help understand the original concept.  It also contains an excellent description of the differences between MOOC / CMOOC / XMOOC / Hybrid MOOC and some possible future […]

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ocTEL – Course Contents

Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning Why this course? “Higher Education teaching is increasingly using technology to improve the quality and extend the reach of learning. Examples of this can be seen in the growth of distance learning emergence of free and open access to learning materials from the Open University and MIT to Khan […]

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ocTEL – Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning

I have registered to participate in the Association of Learning Technology’s #ocTEL (MOOC) to explore the subject matter “Technology Enhanced Learning” whilst simultaneously exploring learning via a MOOC.  I am equally interested in both the subject matter and the learning experience as part of my life-long passion of using IT to inspire others to learn. The […]

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