Author: Elizabeth E Charles

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Reflection on ocTEL – thank you and so long

Reflection on the final week of Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (#octel)

Storified by Elizabeth E Charles ·
Sat, Jun 22 2013 10:56:51

OCTEL | Open Course in Technology Enhanced LearningOCTEL | Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning

This is an online course to help you understand better how to use technology to enhance your teaching practice. The course is aimed prima…

My big question:

How will TEL enhance/change current teaching practice and will it provide opportunities rather than challenges to time-strapped students? 


6 Apr 2013

Elizabeth, what kind of enhancements do you think would be most
valuable? Extending the reach of educational opportunities? Making
learning less expensive? Embedding learning in work & life?

Do you think all parties’ interests are aligned on this? Or are there some conflicts or tensions?


6 Apr 2013

Hi David,
would say extending the reach of educational opportunies would be most
valuable as it then provides for flexibility as to when and where the 
individual accesses education and how often during their lifetime. In an
ideal world bringing the cost down would be a given. I am intrigued
with the idea of embedding learning in work and life. In the past one
would go through the education systems once or twice to gain high school
and university/college qualifications then get a job and  that was
that.  Now the norm is constant change and one has to undertake CPD at
work and independent learning outside of work to keep up and adapt to
the impact of change in all area of ones’ life and not just work!

with most period of change the stakeholders/interested parties are
never all aligned. There is tension with those who want to adopt and
adapt the new and get ahead of the curve; there are those who are
caution and not too sure whether the whole thing won’t blow over (a fad
that will fade – if you will); and those who don’t want to know and hope
that they will not have to realign how they teach as they will be out
of the education system before they are ‘encouraged’ to adopt this ‘new’
teaching and learning style of approach.

I  put myself in the
‘ahead of the curve’ group along with IT Services and TEL champions
where I work but we are in a supportive role and cannot force academics
who may not feel ‘confident’ to employ TEL.   I am hoping that this
course will provide me with examples of practice and technology that I
can use to address current issues they may have and then use that as
leverage to futher encourage and support adoption of relevant
educational technology.


6 Apr 2013


That’s a great set of reflections. Will be interested to see how we measure up on your last sentence later in the course!

22 Jun 2013

How did this measure up?

This course has provided me with many resources:
– Reading materials and video materials that have taken me through the whole process of designing a course through to implementation and evaluation of the project and the importance of assessment and feedback to the participants;
– The thoughts, ideas, and perspectives of the other course participants have given me a better and deeper understanding of the different learning/teaching theories, issues involved in course design, implementation, stakeholders and how and why some projects are not successful;
– Time (thinking time) to focus on the different aspects of learners – their needs and expectations and how to engage and support them, course design, use of technologies, and the varied concepts and theories of teaching and learning.

At times I felt out of my depths but the readings followed by ideas presented in the forums and participating in webinars and the forum allowed me to articulate my understanding and contribute to the discussion threads.

So to answer David’s question – yes the course has addressed and provided some answers to my big question.

I have in discussion with my colleagues been able to provide concrete examples to address concerns that they have about adopting and using educational technology.  As I am better informed and now have a much clearer understanding of the various cycles and stages involved I can understand their concerns and perspectives and this has enabled me to provide possible options and more realistic and achievable small steps to help them achieve their teaching and learning objectives and in turn answer my big question.  The steps are small but I feel that we have started to move forward and I will endeavour to continue to support and help in this forward momentum where I can.

I will watch out for ocTEL 2 in 2014 and the different aspects of this course will remain on my radar and I hope to be in a better position to participate and learn from other participants, the course content and staff.  It has been fun and challenging and I learnt new ideas and concepts and more about TEL and
got to participate in discussions on key issues with a dynamic group of
people – what more could one possibly want?

A big thank you to #ocTEL ALT and the staff and other participants of the 2013 MOOC.

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My last hoorah on the #ocTEL course via storify

Elizabeth E Charles

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:22:24 GMT
– Community
– OCTEL Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (Week Ten activities)
My last hoorah on the #ocTEL course via storify

Reflection on the final week of Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (#octel)

Webinar: Overview of cMOOC platform trends and creating your own open online course using WordPress 15th May 16:30BST

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles onto Everything open

Webinar: Overview of cMOOC platform trends and creating your own open online course using WordPress 15th May 16:…

Digital Methodologies in Educational Research Conference

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles onto Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path

Digital Methodologies in Educational Research Conference

My Thrimble webmaker profile finally done

Elizabeth E Charles

Fri, 10 May 2013 23:24:27 GMT
– Community
My Thrimble webmaker profile finally done

Elizabeth E Charles. Head of E-Services & Systems and Subject Librarian. My Posts: Storify stories. There you will find some topics related to EDCMOOC and ocTEL. They are coursework activties such as: Understanding Learner’s needs; Designing a learning activity; The Teaching Machine …

I have posted my findings and thoughts on the comparison of learning resources activity in the relevant…

Elizabeth E Charles

Mon, 06 May 2013 21:39:54 GMT
– Community
I have posted my findings and thoughts on the comparison of learning resources activity in the relevant forum (4.1)

I spent my time having a look at the “Beauty of algebra” in the Khan Academy and “Simple machines” from the Museum of Science & Industry Chicago. Below is my first impressions of the two learning …

My post for week 4 If you only do one thing this week… is now available in the appropriate forum

Elizabeth E Charles

Mon, 06 May 2013 04:42:35 GMT
– Community

My post for week 4 If you only do one thin…

Week 4 – if you do only one thing this week.  My post has now been added to the forum.

Elizabeth E Charles

Mon, 06 May 2013 04:40:49 GMT
– Community
Week 4 – if you do only one thing this week.  My post has now been added to the forum.

On a regular basis I need to provide additional information to learners on search strategies, outside of just using Google. So I thought I would use this opportunity to see what else is available that…

Feeling inspired by the Keith Smyth webinar I decided to dip my toes into the creative waters and produced…

Elizabeth E Charles

Sat, 04 May 2013 17:20:18 GMT
– Community
Feeling inspired by the Keith Smyth webinar I decided to dip my toes into the creative waters and produced a webform for learners to undertake preparatory work prior to a session on research skills. I have posted this in the forum.

Please see below my submission for this activity. The link to this form would be sent to learners in an email prior to their scheduled research session with the Library. This would provide the Librari…

Feeling inspired by the Keith Smyth webinar I decided to dip my toes into the creative waters and produced…

Elizabeth E Charles

Sat, 04 May 2013 17:15:37 GMT
– Community
Feeling inspired by the Keith Smyth webinar I decided to dip my toes into the creative waters and produced a webform for learners to undertake preparatory work prior to a session on research skills. I have posted this in the forum.

Please see below my submission for this activity. The link to this form would be sent to learners in an email prior to their scheduled research session with the Library. This would provide the Librari…